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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzos and Alzheimer's and or Dementia.


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Well this has me really scared. There are tons of studies out now in regards to benzos and Alzheimer's. Just got done reading an article with fact behind it that stated "If on benzos more than 6 months you increase your chances of Alzheimer's by 84%." Thing that has me scared the most is that I match almost all of the Alzheimer's checklist. However, so many benzo withdrawal symptoms mimic that of Alzheimer's/Dementia. I've been on benzos for 11+ years. If I'm ending up with Alzheimer's at only 30yrs old I will forever curse the uneducated, pill throwing like candy Doctors, even more than I already do. Sometimes my mind is just BLOWN by how much benzos turned my ENTIRE life upside down. It really blew my mind how many articles with clinical facts behind them in regards to benzos and Alzheimer's. Still doctors pass them out like candy. Somebody, somewhere someday has to put a stop to this madness. Alzheimer's and or Dementia at 30...you've gotta be kidding me!!!! I'm so glad I made for a great "Test Dummy." So infuriating!! :tickedoff:
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One thing that might be of comfort to you is people who end up with dementia are typically not aware they are. So if you can state you think you have these issues you most likely don't. And I don't necessarily believe that if someone who is 18 yrs old (or anything of a young age version) is on a benzo for 6ms and then never touches them again has an increased chance of Alzheimer's. Now...I can see an elderly person having a greater chance of losing their faculties with a short term benzo use. My mom who is on Ativan and refuses to come off is 67 and has signs of dementia. I do believe it has something to do with the Ativan use over the years by her. If you get off now and stay off I think you have a good chance of being ok  :smitten:



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One thing that might be of comfort to you is people who end up with dementia are typically not aware they are. So if you can state you think you have these issues you most likely don't. And I don't necessarily believe that if someone who is 18 yrs old (or anything of a young age version) is on a benzo for 6ms and then never touches them again has an increased chance of Alzheimer's. Now...I can see an elderly person having a greater chance of losing their faculties with a short term benzo use. My mom who is on Ativan and refuses to come off is 67 and has signs of dementia. I do believe it has something to do with the Ativan use over the years by her. If you get off now and stay off I think you have a good chance of being ok  :smitten:



I sure hope so Grinch. My level of confusion sometimes is insane.

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I wouldn't worry about long term dementia now. Let's work on healing from the benzo ok?



Sounds good. Problem is I'm not healing at all.

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Neither am I...yet. In my case, I believe I ll have to be off the benzo to really see any changes. Until then I focus on my taper and surviving it bc it's brutal! That doesn't mean it can't be done....I believe it can! We can!



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Neither am I...yet. In my case, I believe I ll have to be off the benzo to really see any changes. Until then I focus on my taper and surviving it bc it's brutal! That doesn't mean it can't be done....I believe it can! We can!



You're right!  :thumbsup:

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You can worry about so many other things than this :D  Every benzo symptom is similar to MS, ALS, dementia, etc...Benzos effect the CNS and you had the MS scare Benzo.  While tapering and up to a few years after you can be 99.9% sure it benzo related.  I ended up in the ER two days ago when I was trying to fly home from a business trip.  I had every symptom mimicking a heart attack.  I had an EKG doen at the airport and the idiot paramedic said it was abnormal.  It was a "normal" abnormality.  grrr... a ambualnce ride later to an ER in a city far away form home I was told it was panic.  I was pretty sure it was until the "abnormal" ekg.    All in all this is the most brutal experience we will hopefully ever go through.       
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You can worry about so many other things than this :D  Every benzo symptom is similar to MS, ALS, dementia, etc...Benzos effect the CNS and you had the MS scare Benzo.  While tapering and up to a few years after you can be 99.9% sure it benzo related.  I ended up in the ER two days ago when I was trying to fly home from a business trip.  I had every symptom mimicking a heart attack.  I had an EKG doen at the airport and the idiot paramedic said it was abnormal.  It was a "normal" abnormality.  grrr... a ambualnce ride later to an ER in a city far away form home I was told it was panic.  I was pretty sure it was until the "abnormal" ekg.    All in all this is the most brutal experience we will hopefully ever go through.     

May we NEVER have to battle anything harder than this Drew. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That is the problem with this, is benzos will do everything but kill you. I don't know how I'm ever gonna get through this. I feel like the left side of my brain is crawling with electricity but has completely shut down. I fear every moment of every day. It's all pain. I hope I make it  through. Sorry that you had that heart issue.

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How we make it through this?  The only alternative is suicide which isn't a good idea.  We just have to survive every hour/day/week and mark time with the hope we will heal. This is a f'd up situation.  We just do it as similarly as a soldier in a war, someone w a horrific disease, or any other tough cross to bear does it...hour by hour. 

You will do it!

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How we make it through this?  The only alternative is suicide which isn't a good idea.  We just have to survive every hour/day/week and mark time with the hope we will heal. This is a f'd up situation.  We just do it as similarly as a soldier in a war, someone w a horrific disease, or any other tough cross to bear does it...hour by hour. 

You will do it!

I think suicide goes through everyone's heads multiple times a day while going through this. That is how incredibly dark it is. I'll never take my life but that doesn't mean I've not wanted to die while going through this. Thank goodness I have a great support system.

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Your prob right About thoughts of death. I don't want to kill myself anymore (did go thru a time this was an option though) but I still have times where I wouldn't be sad if I just died. Just to end the suffering. I totally get that. It's rough!!



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I read the article about the 84% increase in the risk of Alzheimer's when it hit the media, but it took today to really let it sink in.  My brain, like yours, went insane.  Not a good day.


But after researching, nope, doesn't look like you're getting Alzheimer's at all.  It seems that all of the studies I could get my hands on, including the newest, had older, >65, subjects.  The question is if benzos cause Alzheimer's in older people.


The problem is that many of the folks in early stages of Alzheimer's take benzos for insomnia and anxiety which are symptoms of Alzheimer's in that age group.


My argument is that in the over 50 years that benzos have been in existence, why are they just finding this now?  Wouldn't the epidemic have started almost immediately when care centers started using them with the elderly?


I hope this helped you.  How will you make it through it, people who care.



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You can worry about so many other things than this :D  Every benzo symptom is similar to MS, ALS, dementia, etc...Benzos effect the CNS and you had the MS scare Benzo.  While tapering and up to a few years after you can be 99.9% sure it benzo related.bettded up in the ER two days ago when I was trying to fly home from a business trip.  I had every symptom mimicking a heart attack.  I had an EKG doen at the airport and the idiot paramedic said it was abnormal.  It was a "normal" abnormality.  grrr... a ambualnce ride later to an ER in a city far away form home I was told it was panic.  I was pretty sure it was until the "abnormal" ekg.    All in all this is the most brutal experience we will hopefully ever go through.     

Although he may have used stupid words it's likely the paramedic did exactly what he was supposed to do.  He saw an abnormality on an ekg and since he is not a cardiologist he sent you to someone better equipped to read the ekg. He should have told you it was probably nothing but he needed to send you to an expert to make sure. Better to err on the side of caution imo.

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You can worry about so many other things than this :D  Every benzo symptom is similar to MS, ALS, dementia, etc...Benzos effect the CNS and you had the MS scare Benzo.  While tapering and up to a few years after you can be 99.9% sure it benzo related.bettded up in the ER two days ago when I was trying to fly home from a business trip.  I had every symptom mimicking a heart attack.  I had an EKG doen at the airport and the idiot paramedic said it was abnormal.  It was a "normal" abnormality.  grrr... a ambualnce ride later to an ER in a city far away form home I was told it was panic.  I was pretty sure it was until the "abnormal" ekg.    All in all this is the most brutal experience we will hopefully ever go through.     

Although he may have used stupid words it's likely the paramedic did exactly what he was supposed to do.  He saw an abnormality on an ekg and since he is not a cardiologist he sent you to someone better equipped to read the ekg. He should have told you it was probably nothing but he needed to send you to an expert to make sure. Better to err on the side of caution imo.


Very true bobo. Poor choice of word using idiot.  Better to err on the see of caution Snce you only needs to. Wrong once.

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Yes. I think you said he told you lots of people drop dead of heart attacks in their forties. That WAS a stupid thing to say. But what he did is probably standard practice. So his action was correct, his bedside manner not so much.
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I read the article about the 84% increase in the risk of Alzheimer's when it hit the media, but it took today to really let it sink in.  My brain, like yours, went insane.  Not a good day.


But after researching, nope, doesn't look like you're getting Alzheimer's at all.  It seems that all of the studies I could get my hands on, including the newest, had older, >65, subjects.  The question is if benzos cause Alzheimer's in older people.


The problem is that many of the folks in early stages of Alzheimer's take benzos for insomnia and anxiety which are symptoms of Alzheimer's in that age group.


My argument is that in the over 50 years that benzos have been in existence, why are they just finding this now?  Wouldn't the epidemic have started almost immediately when care centers started using them with the elderly?


I hope this helped you.  How will you make it through it, people who care.



It just doesn't add up does it?

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My doctor - who did not originally prescribe the clonazepam I have taken for 8 years - cites this study and the one that details increased falls and hip fractures among the elderly on benzos. These are the reasons she would like to see me get off this drug, though she recognizes this is far easier said than done and continues to write the prescription, or did until she went on maternity leave.

At the rate I'm tapering I will be a demented old woman with a broken hip by the time I get off the drug. Something to look forward to.

Sorry. It's been a tough string of days.

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My doctor - who did not originally prescribe the clonazepam I have taken for 8 years - cites this study and the one that details increased falls and hip fractures among the elderly on benzos. These are the reasons she would like to see me get off this drug, though she recognizes this is far easier said than done and continues to write the prescription, or did until she went on maternity leave.

At the rate I'm tapering I will be a demented old woman with a broken hip by the time I get off the drug. Something to look forward to.

Sorry. It's been a tough string of days.

No need ton apologize my friend. It's been a tough string of days for me too. It's so hard. Be strong. Hang on.

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