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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

do we get this weak during benzo wd?


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my ex gf cheated on me, i didnt break up with her, only to break up with her when she did it again (all while in benzo wd)

this had never happened to me before.


so a month or so pass, and i try to get back with her, tell her i love her, and she says its over for good.


so i get cheated on, get back with her, than break up, try to get the girl i got cheated on and get REJECTED.


how could i possibly get lower? i feel like i do so much stupid stuff while in wd.. i never let anyone treat me this way before.. why am I letting this now? please help.. its almost as if im not myself anymore bc of this wd..

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I can relate to this so very much.  On Klonopin, I acted very different - it does affect behavior.  It absolutely made me weak.  At certain points it even made me clingy and needy, much more passive, and at some times even weepy.  You are absolutely NOT a loser.  I even got cheated on, just like you, when I was medicated - and I did not break up with her, I actually stayed and ended up being engaged to her eventually.  People walked all over me when I was medicated, not just in the relationship, but at work as well.  This isn't just you.  The medication affects confidence for sure.  You will eventually recover, I am certain. 
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I think I might know what's going on ..

If you still forgive her after what she did to you and still wanna be with her so badly,,,,

Benzo wd might have nothing to do with it,,,,,


Please check out on internet

Narcissistic lover or abuse or personality...

Check out if her personality fits narcissistic personality profile.....



Take care...

We are never losers if we love another human being....


Eva :smitten:

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fwiw, My husband of 20 years did the exact same thing. Two weeks after our divorce he got remarried, so he was carrying around for a long time, w/o me having a clue. Then he demanded an annulment.
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So hard to go thru relationship stuff in the middle of benzo hell.


We can learn from these things and go on to make a better life for ourselves and for others. :)

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Hey, PK, when you feel better you will put all this angst behind you.


We obsess about things because of the chemical changes in our brains during withdrawal. That is why you can't get this out of your mind.


I want to tell you that I have had no pain and no discomfort for 3 days after 13 months of utter misery. My body feels normal again.


It is truly amazing.


My brain is still very sluggish so I can't leap up and down or dance on the tables but I sure would like to.


Keep faith, hang on in there, it may be your turn soon.







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Congratulations, LF-good work, LF's brain... :laugh:


Thank you, Cookienose. I will be crying if it goes away and I have to endure more pain!!  :'(




LF  :smitten:

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I totally relate to feeling like a loser in WD and the same feelings...its aweful. I distract everyday and throw them away in hopes if a bright future.
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the thing is i went through this before my wd with other girls.. and i acted like a man, and broke up when i needed to, without EVER giving a single call back.


but this time i did this, even though inumerous times throghout my life i acted strongly and never put any relationship in front of my self respect.. why am i doing this now during wd? self respect was always my most precious value and i always stood up for it.. and now im doing this.. it cant be me... is it me?

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Everyone walks all over me, because they know I cannot handle any thing on an emotional level...I am weak, but I get stronger everyday and I am taking back my life!''''Diane :)
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Its not you. Well one reason could be the need to be or feel connected to someone more because of WD. The other could be you really loved this girl. The WD amplifies everything..but it can also make you feel weakened and vulnerable..either way you'll have to sort it out. But I think WD is making these things stressful. Just my thoughts bud.
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Aww no one here is a loser.  If anything, we are fighters, we are warriors.  We will see this when we get to the end of the tunnel.  I, too, have been going through a MAJOR break up during my benzo withdrawal but it was falling apart before I started taking benzos.  It's been summarized in some of my initial posts on this board I think.  Let me tell you...it was tough.  The earth could have blown up and I'd still be preoccupied with the relationship drama lol.  Instead I should be finding a bomb shelter or some sort of safe house.


I've been trying to be more attuned to my spirituality and I've come to this conclusion.  All things happen when they are suppose to happen.  It's not to say that these lessons will be easy but it's the path we are bound to take.  Take for example, I was in an unhealthy relationship yet I couldn't break free becus I truly loved this person.  Loved so many aspects of him, therefore I stayed even though my gut is telling me that something is wrong.  I wasn't happy and i wasn't listening still.  But I tried to quiet it all by taking benzos to sleep.  Throughout withdrawal I distanced myself from him but loved him from afar.  And during this separation is when he did something(though he deems it innocent) gave me the push to just end it all.  The loneliness and despair set in and the utter feeling of betrayal, but as time goes on and with healing, i'm seeing that it was bound to happen anyways.  I wish it was more mutual and less drama, but bound for destiny nonetheless.


Take heart in the fact that once that door closes it will open a great big window for you.  In your life and in withdrawal.  I took many lessons from this and one that I am trying to warm up to is that we have to also learn to forgive and let go.  If you don't learn to, it will only eat you up inside and make you a bitter person.  Bitter people are never happy!!!!  You will do fine, I promise.  You will be made of steel when you see the fact you survived heartbreak all in the midst of withdrawal.  *hugs*

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