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Part 2 Of My Crazy Rant


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Alright well if you want evidence that a loving God exists and is watching out for you read my previous story before reading this one. Or just read this one. So today I go on the bus to go to do some shopping at a supermarket (I can do that now, because God has given me the strength). As I got off the bus I noticed 3 coins all piled up on a bin so I decide hey why not. The amount added up to 35 pennies (great british). So I decide I'll remember that number see if it has any significance ... I decide to go cycling later in the day and I get a bunch of intrusive thoughts from my brain trying to make me panic and have an anxiety attack. I purposefully keep the thoughts coming. Thoughts of fire, me dying, being dead etc. I refused to have a panic attack. I pull up on the street I need to go on to get back home and as I take a short break I look infront of my front tire. BAM right there, an empty energy drink can with the price label "35p"




Edit: Altered Title

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I believe you. I've had a few spiritual occurrences with this process. I cried in bed and asked the universe for a sign. I saw the number 2 in the stucco on my bedroom ceiling. The next morning on Facebook someone had posted a picture of skydivers falling in the shape of a 2. I checked the calender. It was 2 weeks to 2 months (2 twos) and the day after my partner left for Thanksgiving weekend. Survived with no panic. Huge improvement.


Second sign. I got upset cuz one day I had what felt like a band around my chest. Felt like my lungs were gonna collapse. I got so upset. I looked up and was quite angry and said, "OK God...prove to me you are real. Give me some relief." 15 mins later the sensation was gone.

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It is amazing how God works. I believe it has to be in such a way though as to speak to us on a personal level. If God just appeared as a shining divine being in the clouds and said oh hey there man, you're alright I got you covered. EVERYONE would behave differently... In essence a lot of life's lessons would be lost on us. I think that faith is extremely important. How many people would stop being selfish and turn to God if God appeared so constantly to everyone? It would drastically unbalance the way life is and has to be. God is watching over us all. You, me, everyone who is suffering benzo w/d.
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It is amazing how God works. I believe it has to be in such a way though as to speak to us on a personal level. If God just appeared as a shining divine being in the clouds and said oh hey there man, you're alright I got you covered. EVERYONE would behave differently... In essence a lot of life's lessons would be lost on us. I think that faith is extremely important. How many people would stop being selfish and turn to God if God appeared so constantly to everyone? It would drastically unbalance the way life is and has to be. God is watching over us all. You, me, everyone who is suffering benzo w/d.


Yep. And I don't believe in an organized religious deity. He answered my wishes. So. That was kinda cool.

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Religions are too preoccupied with getting their view across and expressing their hate and judgment through a medium. I know that God is something ABOVE all of the things that religions say. God is something I believe very physical and lawful that we do not yet quite understand but we will, in time. Through science.
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Hi Rarthyr500


You will notice I changed your thread title,  benzoBuddies is a forum comprised of members who have many different religious beliefs and some might find the title uncomfortable. We do have a section of the forum designated for discussions pertaining to faith based support where you can share your thoughts and beliefs. 


To access the faith based support board… go to  Profile> modify profile> from the drop down menu choose group membership, you will see Faith based support click request membership


Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter




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Yes your story of 35p it's an example of a phenomena called synchronicity by Carl Jung ...

You can check it out on Wikipedia .....it's very interesting and wast topic ....


Take care and watch out for more signs


Eva :smitten:

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