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Updosed and now feeling miserable


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I had successfully tapered down to .25 once at night from 1.5 mg. once at night. Due to a family emergency where I am having to take care of my adult daughter and her three kids because of my daughters illness, I updosed to .5 once at night. I wasn't sleeping much, maybe 3 hours a night and thought I would be better to take care of them if I could just get some sleep. First few nights were ok. Slept good. Now here it is less than a week later and I am having vertigo again, pains every where, nausea. The only thing improved is my sleep. Now I am at a loss as what to do at this point. Go back to .25 or see if I stabilize at .5 and begin my taper again. Thanks for any advice.



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I read this pretty often on this forum.  Somebody up doses, and feels worse because of it.  I guess I'd try to get back down to .25, but who knows where your comfort zone will be now??  Please don't kindle like that.  It often causes problems.
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Thank you for your reply. Since I have only been taking the extra .25 for a few days I am just going to drop it back down to only .25 before bed. I knew it was a mistake, was just so dang tired. Onward I go.
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Thank you for your reply. Since I have only been taking the extra .25 for a few days I am just going to drop it back down to only .25 before bed. I knew it was a mistake, was just so dang tired. Onward I go.


Insomnia is a bear during this and taking care of your daughter and grandchildren is very stressful, I know.  This is bad timing for your taper because of the insomnia and stress involved.  But many of us find that the drug doesn't help like it did before we tapered down.  I agree with your decision to go back to .25 and keep going.


Best of luck to you... we're here for whatever support we can offer you...hopefully you can get the kids to help you as much as they can relative to their ages.



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