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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Does exercise make your sx worse


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I find whenever I do anything physical I start getting shakey, weak, my legs feel stiff and jelloey, I get neck pain and a headache and head pressure.


I also get chest pain and shoulder tightness.

This won't settle till I lie down and rest.

I also get feeling really dizzy and out of it.



Firstly are all of these sx normal for wd and also do others notice physical activity makes sx worse?

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Yes, those are all commonly reported w/d symptoms.  Exercise works for some people and not for others.  I was able to work out for an hour twice a week during my taper and into recovery but in between those two times a week I did nothing.  I was on the couch the rest of the time.  Very odd, I know.  Now I'm off the couch and not exercising anymore.  Go figure.  :idiot:
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yes, those unfortunately are all classic symptoms of withdrawal. For many, especially in early withdrawal, getting your heart rate up can bring on symptoms. I by mistake joined a gym three months in...big mistake. My anxiety soared. Now I stick to walking, and lots of it.
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Thanks so much challis and benzos r cruel.

This does give me some reassurance that this will go away.

Can this exercise also bring on bad shortness of breath?

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Hey cruel, you mention physical exercise increased your anxiety but can it also bring on many nasty physical sx like the ones I have described?
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It is almost to the point I can't walk much without feeling like I will die.


I did just drop my clonazopam from 0.5 Mgs to .25 Mgs per day. I am In hospital.

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I was just reading over your signature, Ruby.  Since your last entry you've gone from 8.5mg of Valium to Clonazepam and you've just cut from .5 to .25.  Is that correct?


You might want to go back up to .5 if your symptoms revved up significantly at this 50% cut, then start tapering smaller cuts once you're feeling a bit better.


If other causes of shortness of breath have been checked out and eliminated, withdrawal is most likely the cause.  I used to have shortness of breath for weeks at a time.  Very small meals helped as it seemed to become worse if I had more than a small amount to eat.  Not sure why that would cause it, but there was definitely a cause and effect to eating and breathlessness.  Anxiety can cause it as well.

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Oh yes challis. I have been in the hospital for a month now and have been checked by a psychiatrist and gp 3 times every week so nothing wrong.


So I guess this must be withdrawal

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