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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Not Sleeping - Anyone Know a Doc in LA Good with Benzo Withdrawal?


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Hi all. I am trying to taper off from .5 mg of Klonopin. I have been on up to 1 mg for sleep for the past decade.  I am good on .5 but have gone to .375 and have been sleeping horribly for the past week.  Melatonin doesn't help. I really would love to go to a doctor that has a lot of experience with tapering off because I don't want to go back to my regular doctor who seemed to think it was fine to keep me on this medication for a decade.  Thanks for your help.  I live in the San Fernando Valley but would be happy to drive to wherever.



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I've been, as a journalist. covering LA for about 16 years. Specifically, the Hollywood industry. From developing friendships and talking to people there, I found that the majority of them are seeing either a psych or a therapist. Maybe not for benzos, maybe so. There must be something in the smog filled air out there. I think, if you ask your GP, he will have the names of a few doctors you can see. If you see a therapist, then he/she will know some names. Or even friend who you just can't imagine seeing a psych actually does, but keeps it under wraps. You can delicately pose the question to them. If those things don't work, then use your finger with the yellow pages and start calling therapists and ask their help if the therapist can give you a name. I'm sure they can, as the two practices go hand in hand. Or you can try and Google, "Addiction specialist psychiatrists in Los Angeles." Also try Vitals.com
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