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CT and not able to watch tv at all..


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Eight weeks after ct and still not able to watch tv. The movement and the sound, it is way to much!

No concentration, pressure in the eyes and in the head etc.


Even moving objects outside are difficult to watch. Or moving images on this screen.


I hope this wont last till the end...

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This passed for me shortly after I finished my taper...maybe a month or so.  With a c/t it may last a bit longer.  Light and sound sensitivity is very common and it is temporary.  The cognition issues and fogginess didn't let me follow a plot and anything violent or upsetting was too overwhelming anyway.


It will be better soon.  :)

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Maybe try listening to guided meditations or classical music.


I used a "white noise" app on my phone and listened to nature sounds. When I was in acute, my CNS was fried. Couldn't handle most sounds.


But it's gotten so much better. It will for you, too, Vanille.

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It gets better. I c/t from paxil and I was sensitive to television and could not watch anything

even remotely violent..I watched the Hallmark channel with their movies with formula plots.

Yuck. They are boring, but watchable.

It gets better.


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I had this from weeks 6-8. It got better after that. Still can't handle anything overly stimulating. But you will get there and ride out the rest of your withdrawals. :)
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It is good to hear others had this too. I cant imagine I wil be able to watch tv again. It would be so good for distraction!


It feels like my head needs to heal completely first, but I will have to wait and see ( ;-) ) and experience how it goes.


I am glad the tabletscreen is not giving me to much troubles most days as long as I dont watch video's. Otherwise there would be no life line at all!

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It is good to hear others had this too. I cant imagine I wil be able to watch tv again. It would be so good for distraction!


It feels like my head needs to heal completely first, but I will have to wait and see ( ;-) ) and experience how it goes.


I am glad the tabletscreen is not giving me to much troubles most days as long as I dont watch video's. Otherwise there would be no life line at all!


I've found this website to be very easy to read during withdrawal because there aren't any ads or videos.


Although at one point (and this is embarrassing to admit but it really happened) the little emoticons got so caught up in my dp/dr, that I was literally terrified of them!!!


Okay, it's funny now. But shit, it wasn't so funny then!

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It is good to hear others had this too. I cant imagine I wil be able to watch tv again. It would be so good for distraction!


It feels like my head needs to heal completely first, but I will have to wait and see ( ;-) ) and experience how it goes.


I am glad the tabletscreen is not giving me to much troubles most days as long as I dont watch video's. Otherwise there would be no life line at all!


I've found this website to be very easy to read during withdrawal because there aren't any ads or videos.


Although at one point (and this is embarrassing to admit but it really happened) the little emoticons got so caught up in my dp/dr, that I was literally terrified of them!!!


Okay, it's funny now. But shit, it wasn't so funny then!


...I can relate. Lol. The  :laugh: and  :D ones....omg

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It is good to hear others had this too. I cant imagine I wil be able to watch tv again. It would be so good for distraction!


It feels like my head needs to heal completely first, but I will have to wait and see ( ;-) ) and experience how it goes.


I am glad the tabletscreen is not giving me to much troubles most days as long as I dont watch video's. Otherwise there would be no life line at all!



I've found this website to be very easy to read during withdrawal because there aren't any ads or videos.


Although at one point (and this is embarrassing to admit but it really happened) the little emoticons got so caught up in my dp/dr, that I was literally terrified of them!!!


Okay, it's funny now. But shit, it wasn't so funny then!


Crazy things happen! At the beginning I had a nasty experience with a goat..


When I type  here I scroll down so I cant see the whole line with those hyperactive smileys. Moving avatars, also very disturbing. But at least those people are feeling better than me now!

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Too funny! I hadn't thought about this for a long time, but the emoticons used to scare me terribly, especially the ones that jump around and move. I couldn't even look at them for months. Thanks for reminding me how far I've come.


TV - I couldn't watch most of it for a long time. The only station I could handle was HGTV! I STILL don't watch anything violent or scary, which means there's not much I can watch.


Vanille, I have to ask.....what was your nasty experience with a goat??



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A GOAT? Do tell.


East, the emoticons were too crazy for me for quite a long time..I wonder(ed) why we have

emoticons that move on this site.


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I'm happy to tell you at least for me that was the first sx to leave.  I couldn't watch anything violent, news, reality shows, only mellow movies with no violence.  I think it was from week 3-6.  It was very miserable.  What do you do in a recliner all day?  I surfed on here and the web to pass time.


MG :smitten:

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Most people here seem to be able to watch tv as long as it is non violent. But I cant watch anything that moves or makes sounds. So no Winnie the Pooh either.


Also no listening to music or radio.

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Vanille, everyone is different. Some people just don't get that sensitivity, like you have and I had. I coujldnt listen to music either. I love rock music but the noise drove me crazy when I was in the first few months of withdrawal.


I still want to hear about the nasty experience with a goat!!!



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Vanille, everyone is different. Some people just don't get that sensitivity, like you have and I had. I coujldnt listen to music either. I love rock music but the noise drove me crazy when I was in the first few months of withdrawal.


I still want to hear about the nasty experience with a goat!!!




Will tell you later East!


For now I cant even eat with others. Been eating alone all this weeks. Never in a room with someone longer than 5 minutes. I just cant. It is to much.


I am crying a bit now. Guess I should be happy with that. But I am not. I want to be okay again. I did not sign up for this.

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Nope, I didn't sign up for it either. None of us did. But here we are, and have to make the best of it. In a way its good you can cry! Crying lets out negative stuff, doesn't it?

Vanille, it took me longer than most to heal, but I did. I couldn't eat with anyone else for a long time. I was self conscious and felt stupid when I talked because words came out wrong or I couldn't think of what to say (that's very unusual, for me!). This all got better, as time passed.

How are you distracting yourself?

And yes, PM me about the goat sometime. Im curious. I love animals, and love crazy stories about them. I was once chased by a woodchuck in a public park, with lots of people watching. Too funny!


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Vanille, it will get better soon, just hang in there.  The thing that got me through the worst was knowing my sx's were a good sign!  a sign that my brain was waking up!  If we didn't have sx's and didn't get any better, (which doesn't happen), we would be in trouble!  Give yourself major back pats for getting off this poison junk!


Hugs & love, MG :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi East,


Yeah it is good to be able to cry a bit. Posted I could not a few days ago. Probably I wont be able anymore tomorrow but for now I push those tears out.


I know neither of us signed up for this. Just mad.


Last days I am having troubles with words. This is not my own language, so problems to find words I usually know. Or order of words gets wrong.


I am not good at making the best out of this. I was already sick. I could do some volunteering from home. That was making the best of it. Now cant do anything but a bit of reading online, only short things. And then I get to overstimulated and need to just ly down.

I can be sick physically, not in my head.


I will tell later about the goat.

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Vanille, it will get better soon, just hang in there.  The thing that got me through the worst was knowing my sx's were a good sign!  a sign that my brain was waking up!  If we didn't have sx's and didn't get any better, (which doesn't happen), we would be in trouble!  Give yourself major back pats for getting off this poison junk!


Hugs & love, MG :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks Mountaingirl. I know but I forget sometimes. I pet my head for doing good.


The body just needs to deal with what we put in it. Liver tries to throw things out, we take more than it can handle.. Now we ask for healing. Stupid.


I hope you are fine!

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Vanille, it will get better soon, just hang in there.  The thing that got me through the worst was knowing my sx's were a good sign!  a sign that my brain was waking up!  If we didn't have sx's and didn't get any better, (which doesn't happen), we would be in trouble!  Give yourself major back pats for getting off this poison junk!


Hugs & love, MG :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks Mountaingirl. I know but I forget sometimes. I pet my head for doing good.


The body just needs to deal with what we put in it. Liver tries to throw things out, we take more than it can handle.. Now we ask for healing. Stupid.


I hope you are fine!


Weebles wooble but they don't fall down  :thumbsup:

I'm doing ok, a moderate day. 


Hugs, MG :smitten:

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For someone whose native language isn't English, you are doing very well telling us how you feel. I want to give you a big hug!!!

Those tears will come...just let them happen. No need to push them out.


I look forward to hearing about the goat.


Please, don't give up....this gets better, it really does.



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