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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Luvox and panic/anxiety


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I have a question and i was wondering if someone could help me out. I am about 6 months clean from Xanax. I have PAW symptoms like anxiety, nightmares and depression.  I have been taking 100mg Luvox for about 3 years. I am wondering if the Luvox could be causing some of these symptoms. Also, whenever I take it at night i notice that my eyes get blurred and i feel a bit drowsy.

Any advice is appreciated.


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You sound exactly like me Zach. I am on Luvox 100 mg for anxiety, depression, ext for 5 years along with Xanax and I think it is helping a lot. My symptoms are probably from my Xanax withdrawal to since they appeared when I CD from the Xanax. It is possible that the Luvox could be causing some of the symptoms but if you were on Xanax, I would bet my money that it is mostly the Xanax withdrawal. It would be weird if the Luvox started giving you symptoms if you were on for three years. You could start a slowwwww wean from Luvox to see if your depression lifts though.


Are you looking to get off Luvox? I am aiming to get off after the Benzo Withdrawal lifts but that should be slow to. I plan on getting the Luvox compounded and going down 10 mgs every month due to the fact most psychiatrist advise people to wean of Antidepressants way to fast.

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Yeah that makes sense. I am going to wait for some more months to see if I should taper luvox. Besides that I also think that it is the paws that is causing this depression And anxiety. It feels weird, like I don't feel joy in much if anything lately.
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Yeah that defiantly sounds like Dysphoria, common in PAWS, I have that as well now too. It is not even depression, it is zero motivation to really do anything. I am going to wait a few months as well and try maybe a slow Luvox taper, see if that will do anything.  Just stay positive and find distractions. It will get better I promise.
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Yes. Thats more like it. There is another word for it to, basically you feel dont feel any satisfaction from anything. Keep updated!


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