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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Breathing anexity!?!? Withdrawal causing this??


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Hey guys, I have had a resurgence of s/x come on strong since I hyperventilted the other week when trying to go back to sleep must of been shallow breathing, first time ever hyperventilating! So this breathing anexity has come back about monitoring my breathing and weird irrational fear of my breathing! It's so strange and I'm always focusing on my breathing and it's really breaking me down into nothing. I start thinking at 7 months mybe this is me and withdrawal is over there's no way 4 1/2 months of low dose klonopin use could cause this much anexity still!! So then I begin to doubt myself, with all this I am burnt out!! Anyone else face this breathing anexity it's horrible and hard to explain, breathing does not seem automatic!
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"Air hunger" as i would describe it has been my most persistent symptom since day 1 and I am 9 months out today and still deal with it everyday. Hang in there, I have all the same fears you do about being permanently damaged!
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Thanks Oneday I did it again last night after feeling good for a day or so. I am just going to have to tape my mouth shut or something! I hate waking up and breathing is off or hyperventilating. It always happens like around 4:30 am!! ARGHH!
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No, you aren't the only one with this symptom. Hardly. Its fairly common. Some of it might be due to anxiety, some might just be "pure withdrawal" stuff.


I don't know why many of us wake too early with weird symptoms. I know I did, and Ive read many other posts from people who did, too. I used to wake between 3 and 4 am sweating profusely, feeling panicky. Made it very hard to go back to sleep, when you're changing sheets and nightclothes at that hour. Yuck!



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I'm dealing with it now as I type. Overdid it, carried groceries in & started this erratic breathing. My diaphragm feels heavy, breathing is off...I'm scared. Asked God to please not take me...my son needs me.


You're not alone my dear.


Anyone invest in an oxygen machine?


The diaphragm stuff just started a month ago. It comes & goes. Highly disturbing.  :'(

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I have had this on and off since I stopped my xanax.  Some days it's awful but for the most part it has gone away.  I would get bouts of air hunger before when i would get anxious.  My dr even did a breathing test on me as I was having an attack to show me that I am in fact getting plenty of air and oxygen even though I don't think I am! 
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Thanks guys, I know it horrible to say this but it makes me feel better to know others are or have experienced such horrible symptom and I am not alone. I was seriously beginning to think this was some kind of breathing phobia or disorder I have developed due to the horrible anxiety I have been battling since jumping. I can't believe such a horrible drug that can cause suffering this far out for only 4 1/2 months use of low dose can make someone suffer so bad, and this crap is still on the market!! What world is this!?!?! East I bet that sucked having to get up and change the sheets, I had some bad sweats during the first two months off, and Mom I know it's one scary thing but we shall beat this together I get feeling air hunger like Im loosing oxygen sometimes during the day scares me makes me think im smothering!! You will be there for your son, we will whip this thing!! :) Prayers for all who walks this dark path for there is is light at the end!!
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Blu, I am almost at 9 months, this hit me for the first time a couple weeks ago.  It was horrible!  I quit smoking awhile back but actually had a cig and watched my breath.  I don't recommend this at all lol but something about seeing the breath calmed me.....  My big scary Physical symptom has been heart pals I thought this was the scariest symptom ever UNTIL I experienced air hunger.  That has been the absolute worst I am so sorry you are experiencing this....But, it sounds like its just our brains tricking us during our healing, stay strong.......
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You are sounding much better now. I hope that continues.

It was very unpleasant to wake up soaked in sweat. I felt both hot and cold at the same time, and you cannot possibly sleep in wet sheets and nightclothes. One night I woke like this and one of my cats was licking the sweat off my face, and that's when I said "This is insane, just insane." But there was nothing I could do to stop it, and since I wasn't sleeping much anyway - I just managed to cope with it however I could. It was because of this I ended up owning 5 nightgowns!

Hang in there....its gonna get better for you.



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I have air hunger .. Gave since I jumped .. I have a O2 monitor .. LET ME TELL YOU IVE GONE THROUGH TONS OF BATTERIES LOL... I  eel like I'm suffocating like there's a plug in my throat and nose sometimes.. I use the monitor for reassurance and I ches gum with my front teeth which forces me to close my mouth and breathe slower .. I've noticed that I've bec a mouth breather like I'm trying to get as much air as possible .  It comes and goes even at its worse I've always been at 99-100% on my little finger meter .


I also repeat to myself THESE ARE JUST SENSATIONS THEY CANNOT HARM ME ... It helps ... Hope you find something that works for you :)

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My wife has had this breathing issue as well over the past 10 months. I think due to the fact that benzo's effect the CNS in such a dramatic fashion that the phrenic nerve, which controls the contraction of the diaphragm muscle is the reason for this nasty symptom.
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Thanks guys, I know it horrible to say this but it makes me feel better to know others are or have experienced such horrible symptom and I am not alone. I was seriously beginning to think this was some kind of breathing phobia or disorder I have developed due to the horrible anxiety I have been battling since jumping. I can't believe such a horrible drug that can cause suffering this far out for only 4 1/2 months use of low dose can make someone suffer so bad, and this crap is still on the market!! What world is this!?!?! East I bet that sucked having to get up and change the sheets, I had some bad sweats during the first two months off, and Mom I know it's one scary thing but we shall beat this together I get feeling air hunger like Im loosing oxygen sometimes during the day scares me makes me think im smothering!! You will be there for your son, we will whip this thing!! :) Prayers for all who walks this dark path for there is is light at the end!!


Thank you so much. It's crazy how a small pill can do so much damage!!!

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate all of the responses, makes me not feel as if I am alone in this. Just so frustrated its been 7 months of this crap!! I am hoping there will be a break from it soon!! I have been doing a little better here the last few days, I hope this continues to improve, Does any recovered benzo people know how long it took for their anxiety to calm down? I think that's what causes me to focus on my breathing, and then the air hunger is just another issue on top of that!!
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Im at 12 and have had it as my pretty much main sxs its eased and worsened and eased again. Its definitely w/d for myself. Ive never had asthma or any otger breathing issues my whole life. Its going to pass like everything else will.
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Im at 12 and have had it as my pretty much main sxs its eased and worsened and eased again. Its definitely w/d for myself. Ive never had asthma or any otger breathing issues my whole life. Its going to pass like everything else will.


Its eased up for me. Breathing anxiety is common in regular anxiety states. I think that once the fear and chemical anxiety fade (even if you don't feel it, its still there I think). Also, years ago when I had a normal anxiety disorder I had breathing anxiety. I just became very aware that I had to breathe lol. It did go away, eventually. I think 4ish months or so with the first 2 weeks being the worst. The only reason I'm constantly aware of my air flow is because it doesn't seem right. Its not comfortable to breathe and therefore in always focused on it. :( But, if it goes away in regular anxiety states, it will go away with the stabilizing of an overactive CNS.

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Thanks guys, I certaintly appreciate the advice I sure hope so that it goes away because I have had it for almost 7 months, like you Sal it gets better then worse at random will it seems to me!! I sure wish it would just fade away all together I don't want my mind even wondering to my breathing again or it even being a thought!
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This is something i experienced at my first panic attach when i was 13.  I would also call it air hunger.  I had it many years before i ever took benzos, so for me this was always related to anxiety.  And of course i get it now during withdrawal, too.

You can try this: breathe in thru your nose, counting to 4.  Hold breath for 4. Now breathe out slowly thru mouth counting to six.  The out breath should be longer than the in breath.  Do this a few times, 5 breaths.  Learned this from yoga instructor years ago, it helps.

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I describe mine as not getting a ful breath that is satisfying. I also yawn a ton!! Last few days it's like breath yawn breath yawn!! It's terrible but for me I have dadp but no anxiety.


Anyone else?


Happy me

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well glad to hear your anxiety has calmed down no more, what month did you notice your anxiety going away?



It comes with my waves at times but I'd say month six. It's so weird to get symptoms out of the blue and not have anxiety!

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