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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi there,


I watched a youtube video this afternoon and someone mentioned this site so I figured I would try it out. Needless to say, I've been going through quite the battle since I go off my benzo's.


Last year on New Year's day I had a panic attack, pretty bad one. I went to my doc and he gave me a 5mg prescription of Valium (as needed) for anxiety/panic. I took it here and there and it didn't really seem to be helping me that much. So I went back and we decided to try Xanax (0.5mg). I started the xanax sometime in April. Sadly, I wasn't really that responsible using the drug. I would take fluctuating doses 2-3 pills sometimes to get to sleep. I noticed that gradually my quality of life was declining. Needed to get off the drug. So I stopped in early August. Bad idea.  I never really noticed that I had developed a tolerance to it and man did I have one.


The day I stopped it I thought I was surely going to die...shaking, convulsions, derealization, panic, anxiety etc. I went to my doctors office and he immediately put me back on 5mg of Valium. I stabilized over the next few days and then decided I needed to get off this medication. So over the next month I tapered the Valium 5mg down and stopped it early September. After reading, I realized this was probably too quick of a taper.


For the last 6 weeks I've been up and down.  The first two weeks were ok and then week 3-4 I got little if any sleep with panic attacks throughout the day.  The last two weeks were better and I had restful sleep (while smoking weed before bed) but then Sunday night the sleeplessness started up again. I haven't slept well since Sunday and have this weird muscle jerking/twitching happening all over my body. It's minor but enough to bother me.


I'm just wondering when will this all subside??? Worried obviously about this being a long term condition that I will have to deal with. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Writing this make me feel more at ease knowing there are people out there going through the same struggles.



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Hi GJdiff54:) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


I am sorry you found us feeling so badly. Withdrawal symptoms can be pretty awful. I know the first three month for me were terrible. The symptoms you describe are all classic withdrawal symptoms. As miserable as they are know that they are temporary. I think that you will really benefit as a member because we all know what you are going through. You will find lots of support here.


You might like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Members discuss their symptoms on the Post withdrawal recovery support.



Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:



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