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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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.5mg lorazepam two times a day for almost 2 weeks,.25mg two times a day for a few days,.25mg 5mg once a day for almost a week, I accidentally missed a couple days in between....125mg for 6 days...


I have alot of body vibrations all the time!



Was my jump considered cold turkey?

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What is kindling?


Should I keep going, I'm 4 days benzo free or should I Reinstate?


Kindling means your brain is compromised every time you go off and on benzos. Each subsequent withdrawal may become much, much worse.


I'd keep moving forward. If you reinstate, your next withdrawal could be worse.

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Kindling is when you stop taking a drug (a benzo in this case), then start taking it again.  There are many people in this forum that quit a benzo easily the first time, then reinstated, then quit again (with more difficulty), then reinstated, then quit again (with much difficulty), etcetera...


These are not meds that work well like that (i.e. repeatedly starting and stopping) for some people.


Should you reinstate and taper more slowly?  I wouldn't, but others may have different opinions.  However, I would suggest that these meds will likely be increasingly more difficulty to get off of each time you reinstate, so plan your life accordingly.

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Mindseeker or badsocref.


Iam definitely more wanting to keep going and NOT reinstate ! Im afraid of things like seizures or being like this along time. I have kids and it's hard on them, it's affecting them .

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Mindseeker or badsocref.


Iam definitely more wanting to keep going and NOT reinstate ! Im afraid of things like seizures or being like this along time. I have kids and it's hard on them, it's affecting them .


Good for you, marie. We'll definitely support you either way, but I'm really glad you're able to keep going.


I know it's uncomfortable, but it does get much better.  :)

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99% of people tell me to keep going!So that's what I'm doing, it's just scary! They say not to worry about seizures as my time was short, and dose was low?


I take magnesium and b6 plus L theanine. Have you heard if those really help?

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99% of people tell me to keep going!So that's what I'm doing, it's just scary! They say not to worry about seizures as my time was short, and dose was low?


I take magnesium and b6 plus L theanine. Have you heard if those really help?


I'm a big fan or not using supplements, but simply exercising and eating well - lots of protein, fruits, and veggies and no caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol. But that's just what works for me.


You may wish to check out the Alternative Therapies & Supplements threads for information. Some folks do well on them, so folks not so much.



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Ok I did check out that thread. I do see some do well and some dont.I figure I can try them A few days and see how I feel, if better keep taking them if worse then stop.


I do eat healthy, and I don't drink. I don't think at this point I could exercise, with the constant vibrations. I'm also sensitive to sound.

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I'm also not a big fan of supplements.  If you use them, please use them cautiously/conservatively. 


Seizures are quite rare.  The shakes that you are experiencing are not related to seizures.  Those shakes will resolve, but it might take some days or even weeks.  It's good to get familiar with the various symptoms that might pop up during withdrawal.  Many of them appear in my signature (below).  More are in the Ashton Manual.  Knowing the symptoms can save you a lot of anxiety and possibly also save you the time and expense of going to the ER. 


Be healthy.  Be active.  You'll get through this.

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Humans evolved without supplements.  We should be able to obtain plenty of nourishment from the foods that we eat provided that we eat a reasonably balanced diet.  I've seen people in this forum overdo it with supplements (and some other 'alternative' treatments) and set themselves back.  I'm not closed to all of these approaches (I meditate occasionally), but one has to know enough about them to make informed decisions.  Adequate studies simply haven't been done with many/most of these supplements and treatments.  Personally, I equate much of the supplement market to the selling of comet pills when Halley's Comet visited Earth back in 1910.


or as Sheldon put it in the opening season of The Big Bang...


Sheldon: Oh boy...

Penny: What now?

Sheldon: Well, there's some value to taking the multivitamins, but the human body can only absorb so much, so what you're buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine.

Penny: Well, maybe that's what I was going for.

Sheldon: Well, then you would want some manganese.

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Very true badsocref. Thankyou for taking the time to give me that explanation! I liked that," very expensive urine" hahaha.

I'll be careful. I definitely don't want to set myself back.


Chamomile tea should be OK though right?

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I agree with you totally. But the key word in your post above is "We should be able." Yes, we should, under ideal conditions be able to draw all required nutrients from food. The problem is that with todays conventional N-P-K industrial monoculture (big-ag), such farming practices render many foods low in micronutrients. We are the soil our food is grown in. Soil analyses of such farms are not encouraging, but if one sticks to  foods grown using more sustainable farming/soil practices, then perhaps [macro/micronutrient] supplementation becomes less important.


Double nobel laureate Linus Pauling described a field called Orthomolecular Medicine, in which one consumes higher levels of substances already present in the diet/body, in order to treat maladies. Hence, his notoriety for high Vit C supplementation.


The whole notion of supplementation is hotly debated and there does seem to be good arguments on both sides of the coin.


but here at BB, supplementation seems to have devolved a bit into witchcraft, with empiricism rarely guiding practice.


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We evolved as hunter/gatherers.  Big ag or not, I think most of us eat a lot better than our ancestors did.


There are certainly reasons for some individuals to supplement their diets, but I think that most people who use supplements do not need to do so.


I also think that most supplement use derives from an inadequate understanding of the interplay of human nutrition/physiology/biochemistry.  But I guess the same could be said for many of the drugs that medical professionals dispense. 

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I updated my lorazepam use by dates I was on it and about how much I took.


I do believe that we can if eating properly can get nutrition just from our food, but sometimes their may be A place for vitamins.

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