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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

.5 Ativan for 9 days


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I'm Johnny and I recently started taking .5 mg Ativan for anxiety and sleeping. I have been taking it for 9 days mostly at night for sleep. I did take it a couple of days when my anxiety was bad. I coming on this forum because I want to stop taking this medication and wonder if I should just stop or taper. I was hoping I could post tonight. Thanks

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Hi, Doitforjohnny.


Welcome to benzobuddies. Glad you found us.  :)


To be honest, Johnny, I would stop taking it. You've only been on it for 9 days, so there's much less chance of having built any dependence on it.


Really try not to take it tonight and see how you feel. Definitely avoid it during the day, as there are many coping skills you can use to handle your anxiety without meds. I'm glad you found this site before you were on this any longer.


A good resource about benzodiazepines is the Ashton Manual. Here is a link to the manual: Professor Ashtons Manual  It’s great for learning about these meds and for taper plans. Ashton recommends reducing between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days. However, this is for long-term users and those with short-term use who have built up dependency quickly. I hope this is not true in your case.


You'll find a great community of people here who will support and encourage you. Feel free to check out the forum and to post to any of the dedicated boards.


In addition to the Ashton Manual, here are some other resources:


For tapering advice, post here: General Taper Plans


For support with any symptoms you may have, post here: Withdrawal Support


Please add a signature (history of medication/doses etc). It will help members give you relevant advice. This link will show you how to Create a signature


Please let us know if you have any questions.


~ Mind

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Last night I took half a pill (.025) and I actually felt better. I didn't sleep any less or more but I just felt more normal. If that makes sense. I feel fine today. I haven't had to take them during the day for at least 5 days now. I think I will be alright. The reason I took half last night was because I was scared of withdrawals in the night. Not sure if I will take another half tonight or not.

BTW I also drank some Chamomile tea last night also which really seem to calm me. I could drink that stuff all day long!

I think the reason I am going through all this is my wife and son have been gone for 9 days on Vacation in Florida. I'm in California. I think it's messing with my mind and causing anxiety and some depression. I know things will get back no normal once they get back. I have never been apart from them like this.

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Last night I took half a pill (.025) and I actually felt better. I didn't sleep any less or more but I just felt more normal. If that makes sense. I feel fine today. I haven't had to take them during the day for at least 5 days now. I think I will be alright. The reason I took half last night was because I was scared of withdrawals in the night. Not sure if I will take another half tonight or not.

BTW I also drank some Chamomile tea last night also which really seem to calm me. I could drink that stuff all day long!

I think the reason I am going through all this is my wife and son have been gone for 9 days on Vacation in Florida. I'm in California. I think it's messing with my mind and causing anxiety and some depression. I know things will get back no normal once they get back. I have never been apart from them like this.


You mentioned being afraid of of withdrawals. What type of withdrawals are you experiencing?


Is it mild enough that you could just stop taking the drug?

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Not sure if I was feeling any at all. I am experiencing anxiety already so it's hard to tell. I didn't take any ativan for sleep last night. And I haven't taken any during the day for about 5 days now. I have taken 17 pills of .5 Ativan total. I do feel some depression but I think I already felt like this. My wife and son come back tonight so I thinking that I will start to feel better soon.

Is it ok to use Ativan as needed? Would you do that?



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Not sure if I was feeling any at all. I am experiencing anxiety already so it's hard to tell. I didn't take any ativan for sleep last night. And I haven't taken any during the day for about 5 days now. I do feel some depression but I think I already felt like this. My wife and son come back tonight so I thinking that I will start to feel better soon.

Is it ok to use Ativan as needed? Would you do that?




If it were me, I would dispose of the Ativan and walk away.


Too many people started out "as needed."  Then the anxiety escalates and you start using more until you hit dependency. Even on therapeutic doses, people become dependent.


Here's the fun part - you may not even know you're dependent. That's how many (if not most) of us ended up here. My doctor didn't know. I didn't know until I started having significant memory problems in my 40's. And then it was misdiagnosed again.


I'd seriously walk away and consider myself lucky and informed.


Check out healthier ways of coping on the Anxiety Forum.


Many people are using Mindfulness techniques and are doing very well without meds.


I know you'll have much more success off the meds.  :thumbsup:


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welcome  :) Ativan is a very strong benzodiazepine. It is 10 times stronger than valium and is very addicting. It does not take long to develop a dependency to it. If I was you I would stop it right away. Benzodiazepines are only meant to take for several weeks and no longer. You may feel uncomfortable for a few days after stopping but I promise it will be much better than trying to come off of it a month down the line. Just spend some time reading some of our boards and you can see the difficulty so many long time user have.
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I would stop now.  I took Ativan as needed, then developed tolerance and dependence to it very quickly.  After i taper off, i will never take it again, and i will tell my kids all about this dangerous drug when they get older.  Good luck!
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I will do that. I will look at the mindfulness techniques. Thanks for the smart advice. I just cant believe that I am feeling like this. I haven't had anxiety like this for about 7 years when I used to drink. The only life change that has happened recently is my Wife and Son going on a 9 day trip. Do you think that would cause this? I feel like I'm going crazy!!

A week before they left I started having sleeping problems. I would wake up gasping for air and I would have heart palpitations. Then the next night I was just waking up every time I would dose off. It was like a rush of energy that would wake me. Of course during the day I started feeling anxious. I also lost my appetite. It's been 2 weeks and I still don't have my appetite back.

I originally thought it was because I took a 25 mg of Atenolol that the doctor gave me for High Blood pressure. And I thought that pill made me get anxiety. I only took one pill so I now know that it wasn't that pill.

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I will do that. I will look at the mindfulness techniques. Thanks for the smart advice. I just cant believe that I am feeling like this. I haven't had anxiety like this for about 7 years when I used to drink. The only life change that has happened recently is my Wife and Son going on a 9 day trip. Do you think that would cause this? I feel like I'm going crazy!!

A week before they left I started having sleeping problems. I would wake up gasping for air and I would have heart palpitations. Then the next night I was just waking up every time I would dose off. It was like a rush of energy that would wake me. Of course during the day I started feeling anxious. I also lost my appetite. It's been 2 weeks and I still don't have my appetite back.

I originally thought it was because I took a 25 mg of Atenolol that the doctor gave me for High Blood pressure. And I thought that pill made me get anxiety. I only took one pill so I now know that it wasn't that pill.


I would see how you feel when you're family is together. If it goes away, then you'll know that was a trigger for anxiety.


Here's a link to my favorite guided meditation that's really helped me during withdrawal:



Mooji has a lot of videos on YouTube for a wide range of uses - from general anxiety, to anger, to extreme panic. Very useful information.


Good luck. I'm really glad you found this site and were able to make an informed decision.

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I will do that. I will look at the mindfulness techniques. Thanks for the smart advice. I just cant believe that I am feeling like this. I haven't had anxiety like this for about 7 years when I used to drink. The only life change that has happened recently is my Wife and Son going on a 9 day trip. Do you think that would cause this? I feel like I'm going crazy!!

A week before they left I started having sleeping problems. I would wake up gasping for air and I would have heart palpitations. Then the next night I was just waking up every time I would dose off. It was like a rush of energy that would wake me. Of course during the day I started feeling anxious. I also lost my appetite. It's been 2 weeks and I still don't have my appetite back.

I originally thought it was because I took a 25 mg of Atenolol that the doctor gave me for High Blood pressure. And I thought that pill made me get anxiety. I only took one pill so I now know that it wasn't that pill.


I would see how you feel when you're family is together. If it goes away, then you'll know that was a trigger for anxiety.


Here's a link to my favorite guided meditation that's really helped me during withdrawal:



Mooji has a lot of videos on YouTube for a wide range of uses - from general anxiety, to anger, to extreme panic. Very useful information.


Good luck. I'm really glad you found this site and were able to make an informed decision.


Thanks for that. I do believe in my heart that it was all because they left on this trip. I have never been apart from them. One thing I wish that would come back is my sleeping. I wonder if that would be a cause of anxiety during the day. For instance right now I am feeling a mild anxiety. Enough to make me not want to sit in this chair I am in. It comes and goes. I have been drinking a lot of Chamomile tea. Also I noticed if I drink a soda I feel really good. ?????

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It might be related to your wife and son being gone, it might just stress you out a bit subconsciously, and your body reacts to it with anxiety.  You can try some natural stuff, magnesium, melatonin at night, valerium maybe during the day or at night.  You can try listening to meditation tapes or meditation music.  And progressive muscle relaxation: tightening muscles from top to bottom, then relaxing them.

I know all this because i have had anxiety for a long time.  I only went on the benzos because my doctor suggested them and described them as harmless. Well, he was wrong, and now i'm suffering tapering off the stupid ativan.

Hope this helps 😃


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It might be related to your wife and son being gone, it might just stress you out a bit subconsciously, and your body reacts to it with anxiety.  You can try some natural stuff, magnesium, melatonin at night, valerium maybe during the day or at night.  You can try listening to meditation tapes or meditation music.  And progressive muscle relaxation: tightening muscles from top to bottom, then relaxing them.

I know all this because i have had anxiety for a long time.  I only went on the benzos because my doctor suggested them and described them as harmless. Well, he was wrong, and now i'm suffering tapering off the stupid ativan.

Hope this helps 😃


I agree. I think once they get back tonight I will start making a recovery and also start sleeping right. Hopefully it won't be a long recovery.

Last night was horrible. I was waking up every 1-2 hours. In fact maybe the lack of good sleep is causing anxiety?

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It might be related to your wife and son being gone, it might just stress you out a bit subconsciously, and your body reacts to it with anxiety.  You can try some natural stuff, magnesium, melatonin at night, valerium maybe during the day or at night.  You can try listening to meditation tapes or meditation music.  And progressive muscle relaxation: tightening muscles from top to bottom, then relaxing them.

I know all this because i have had anxiety for a long time.  I only went on the benzos because my doctor suggested them and described them as harmless. Well, he was wrong, and now i'm suffering tapering off the stupid ativan.

Hope this helps 😃


I agree. I think once they get back tonight I will start making a recovery and also start sleeping right. Hopefully it won't be a long recovery.

Last night was horrible. I was waking up every 1-2 hours. In fact maybe the lack of good sleep is causing anxiety?


Oh, yes. Lack of sleep definitely causes insomnia.


I hope you get some rest tonight.  :)

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It might be related to your wife and son being gone, it might just stress you out a bit subconsciously, and your body reacts to it with anxiety.  You can try some natural stuff, magnesium, melatonin at night, valerium maybe during the day or at night.  You can try listening to meditation tapes or meditation music.  And progressive muscle relaxation: tightening muscles from top to bottom, then relaxing them.

I know all this because i have had anxiety for a long time.  I only went on the benzos because my doctor suggested them and described them as harmless. Well, he was wrong, and now i'm suffering tapering off the stupid ativan.

Hope this helps 😃


I agree. I think once they get back tonight I will start making a recovery and also start sleeping right. Hopefully it won't be a long recovery.

Last night was horrible. I was waking up every 1-2 hours. In fact maybe the lack of good sleep is causing anxiety?


Oh, yes. Lack of sleep definitely causes insomnia.


I hope you get some rest tonight.  :)


Me too! Thanks!

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It might be related to your wife and son being gone, it might just stress you out a bit subconsciously, and your body reacts to it with anxiety.  You can try some natural stuff, magnesium, melatonin at night, valerium maybe during the day or at night.  You can try listening to meditation tapes or meditation music.  And progressive muscle relaxation: tightening muscles from top to bottom, then relaxing them.

I know all this because i have had anxiety for a long time.  I only went on the benzos because my doctor suggested them and described them as harmless. Well, he was wrong, and now i'm suffering tapering off the stupid ativan.

Hope this helps 😃


I agree. I think once they get back tonight I will start making a recovery and also start sleeping right. Hopefully it won't be a long recovery.

Last night was horrible. I was waking up every 1-2 hours. In fact maybe the lack of good sleep is causing anxiety?


Oh, yes. Lack of sleep definitely causes insomnia.


I hope you get some rest tonight.  :)


Duh! "Lack of sleep definitely causes insomnia" - geezzz I'm out of it today!!!


Okay, meant to say "lack of sleep definitely causes anxiety."


See? This is why drugs are bad. . . .

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That's ok Mindseeker. I knew what you were trying to say! haha


What do you think about the Soda? It is non caffeinated by the way. It's  a Sprite. I noticed that When I drink one I feel completely calm. Do you think I am low on sugar?



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That's ok Mindseeker. I knew what you were trying to say! haha


What do you think about the Soda? It is non caffeinated by the way. It's  a Sprite. I noticed that When I drink one I feel completely calm. Do you think I am low on sugar?


I don't know. That's kind of weird, isn't it? Do you have low blood sugar? I do, and when I consume a bit of sugar, sometimes it does perk me up. Not sure about feeling calm, though.

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That's ok Mindseeker. I knew what you were trying to say! haha


What do you think about the Soda? It is non caffeinated by the way. It's  a Sprite. I noticed that When I drink one I feel completely calm. Do you think I am low on sugar?


I don't know. That's kind of weird, isn't it? Do you have low blood sugar? I do, and when I consume a bit of sugar, sometimes it does perk me up. Not sure about feeling calm, though.


I always thought I might have hypoglycemia but I don't know. I remember It's always been like that for me. If I would eat a high carb meal it would take some anxiety away. Not sure why that is.

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So last night I didn't take any Ativan (.5mg) to sleep. I had been taking it every night for 9 days. I did take a few days during the day for anxiousness. I hadn't been that anxious in the last few days but today was not a good day. I have felt anxious all day pretty much. Is this because I didn't take any Ativan last night? I hadn't been taking it during the day so I am not sure if this was a withdrawal from Ativan. Just at night for the last 7 days.

I noticed I was a little dizzy today also. But no pains or nausea or anything else.


But this could also just be my anxiety. So confusing! What do you think?

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Hey, Doitforjohnny. Check out the Anxiety threads. You'll find a lot of non-drug techniques. Glad you didn't use it last night. You may be anxious due to withdrawal or it may be because you had anxiety before Ativan. Either way, learning how to handle it without meds is still the best way to go.


Anxiety Forum

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Hey, Doitforjohnny. Check out the Anxiety threads. You'll find a lot of non-drug techniques. Glad you didn't use it last night. You may be anxious due to withdrawal or it may be because you had anxiety before Ativan. Either way, learning how to handle it without meds is still the best way to go.


Anxiety Forum


Thanks Mindseeker,

I didn't take any ativan last night again but I didn't sleep at all. My family came home and we were up late. I was already anxious so I just layed there. This morning I was really anxious so I tool .5mg of Ativan. I had to it was bad! I don't plan on taking it every day. It was there and it helped.

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Hey, Doitforjohnny. Check out the Anxiety threads. You'll find a lot of non-drug techniques. Glad you didn't use it last night. You may be anxious due to withdrawal or it may be because you had anxiety before Ativan. Either way, learning how to handle it without meds is still the best way to go.


Anxiety Forum


Thanks Mindseeker,

I didn't take any ativan last night again but I didn't sleep at all. My family came home and we were up late. I was already anxious so I just layed there. This morning I was really anxious so I tool .5mg of Ativan. I had to it was bad! I don't plan on taking it every day. It was there and it helped.


Okay, I would really think about what you're doing. People develop dependency without knowing it. There's absolutely no way to know.


If you think you're anxiety is bad, it's nowhere near where it will be if (and more like WHEN) your brain develops dependency. And then you won't know if it's "real" anxiety or if it's a "chemical anxiety" from inter-dose withdrawal.


Ativan has a very short half-life, and many people find themselves developing anxiety disorders they never had before while on Ativan.


If I were you, I'd trash the pills. I've already lost a really good job and a lot of my functional memory to this. Granted, I was on a therapeutic dose for years, but we have many members who used it for less than 3 months "on occasion" and still developed dependency.


All we can do is warn you. The rest is up to you.

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