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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Please someone reassure me! My dr had me stop after taking lorazepam for 4 and half weeks.my last 6 doses were .125mg.Im suffering from internal vibrations all or most of the day long.Is this anxiety? Withdrawal?  This is my only symptom.
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Yep, sounds like withdrawal. Many folks have that internal vibration side effect. But I'm really glad that's your only side effect.  :)
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Yes so far it's my only one but it's mostly all the time in different parts of my body..I'm sleeping ok like 5 or 6 hrs a night. This side effect is aweful though. ..
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I do try and distract myself. ..but it's really an aweful feeling. Especially when it's happening on my face like static from a tv. Had I tapered more the right way this probably would not have happened.
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Sounds like wd to me to. Back a few years ago when I took Xanax for a few weeks like yourself, I would get the internal vibrations to, mostly in my head, terrible feeling. Then they would just stop like someone turned off a switch, and that would be the end of it. But I would stay away from them, because if you keep taking that stuff it could get worst each time, and last a whole lot longer, even months.  I KEEP SAYING I WISH I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW. Good luck.



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