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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Too daunting.


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The length and intensity if this seems too daunting much of the time. If I have another year like this it seems impossible. I'm getting worn out.
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Satch.... just take this one day at a time......none of us can predict a healing time frame.......you will see improvements......it takes patience and constant....POSITIVE self talk.....even if you do not completely believe you can do it, it is the only thing that can keep you calm and sane....please try.....


....m :smitten:...

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OK, Satch. I get it. The depression effin sucks. But its something that can be helped with medication. Or if its caused by your medication, then you need to get off of it with the support of your doctor. Posting day in and day out that you feel like killing yourself is not only starting to tick me off. But its also starting to scare me. I want to live a glorious life after this so bad, but everytime i read your posts it starts to get into my head. Its time to put on your big boy pants and figure out what you need to do in order to manage your depression.


Suicide is just not an option here, Satch. It shouldn't even be a discussion. This whole situation is so temporary in the grand scheme of things. And its not even really that bad. Yeah. My symptoms scare me. But at the end of the day I have a roof over my head. Food to eat. And BB for distraction. There are people out there that don't even have that.


If you feel mentally tormented that much that you have lost all the will in the world to live. Then you need help. Professional help. Not BenzoBuddies. Nobody here has the ability to help you as much as a professional could. Whether this is a doctor, therapist, or another med...you need some help. Its time to check your ego at the door, and let someone pick you up off the ground. There is no shame for asking for help.


If it ends up being something like the Seroquel, you are going to be so angry that you were healed all along and wasted more time because of a medication. If its not the meds, and you are depressed because you are losing your life. Talking to a therapist would help teach you coping techniques. An SSRI would make the depression disappear.


And, at the end of the day, its just withdrawals...then its a matter of time. Now come on Satch...do yourself a favor and get some help man.

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Thanks Orion.  Ouch. Sorry to annoy. I'm just hurting bad and fear psychiatric help. I'll try not to bitch as much. I just thought venting was one of the uses of this board. I'm scheduled to talk to my doc tomorrow am. I wish there was a way to tell if it was withdrawals or the meds. Unless you know something I don't there is no way to know.  Maybe a med change. I still have a roof and good to eat true but just about everything in my life has been taken. Hope you're luckier.
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Thanks Orion.  Ouch. Sorry to annoy. I'm just hurting bad and fear psychiatric help. I'll try not to bitch as much. I just thought venting was one of the uses of this board. I'm scheduled to talk to my doc tomorrow am. I wish there was a way to tell if it was withdrawals or the meds. Unless you know something I don't there is no way to know.  Maybe a med change. I still have a roof and good to eat true but just about everything in my life has been taken. Hope you're luckier.


It's OK to bitch, let it all out dude. But stop talking like you are seconds from a noose and nail. If you have a bad day, tell us about it. We will cheer you up as best as we can.


But let's focus on living, shall we?

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An SSRI would make the depression disappear.


This kind of statement is very concerning to me. You cannot say with any amount of certainty what kind of an effect an SSRI would have on anyone. There are many well documented cases of adverse reactions to this class of drugs and as well more stories about horrid w/d and recovery. Many members found themselves being prescribed benzos b/c of an adverse reaction to an SSRI. Studies have shown that taking an SSRI is no more effective in treating clinical depression than a placebo. In some cases the placebo was more effective in treating depression.





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An SSRI would make the depression disappear.


This kind of statement is very concerning to me. You cannot say with any amount of certainty what kind of an effect an SSRI would have on anyone. There are many well documented cases of adverse reactions to this class of drugs and as well more stories about horrid w/d and recovery. Many members found themselves being prescribed benzos b/c of an adverse reaction to an SSRI. Studies have shown that taking an SSRI is no more effective in treating clinical depression than a placebo. In some cases the placebo was more effective in treating depression.


We aren't talking about regular depression here. When someone threatens their life, that is a serious cause for concern. What was i suppose to do? Watch the guy suffer until he did something drastic? Please note that I also suggested that this is something he review with his doctor. If his doctor decided that wasn't best for him, that wouldn't be an option.


And if you took the time to read my post thoroughly, you would have seen that I made other suggestions. You just decided to take one and flame me for it. Good job!  :thumbsup:

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If there was a med that would work I would take it. I am just wary of more meds after this experience.  I want help I promise.  I just hear over and over that time is the healer.
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It is, unfortunately. I know its hard to be patient, Satch. But you gotta. There's a future out there with your name on it. :) Just gonna take a bit of time.
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Thanks Orion.  Ouch. Sorry to annoy. I'm just hurting bad and fear psychiatric help. I'll try not to bitch as much. I just thought venting was one of the uses of this board. I'm scheduled to talk to my doc tomorrow am. I wish there was a way to tell if it was withdrawals or the meds. Unless you know something I don't there is no way to know.  Maybe a med change. I still have a roof and good to eat true but just about everything in my life has been taken. Hope you're luckier.


Satch, I am not a poster. I get my support here from reading the posts of others.  However, I feel compelled to post. 


I've been reading your posts for month now and I can agree with many buddies that I too am very worried about you and hope that you are seriously considering inpatient tx.  Fear and indecision haunts you, as does lonliness and uncertainty, and we can all relate to that.  Inpatient, as others have pointed out many times, can help you with filling your time, positive distractions, coping skills, counseling, and possible medication changes or at least consultation with your doctors around your meds and what might be appropriate for you at this point. 


None of us are medical professionals or qualified to treat or advise you in this area. Nor are we a suicide hotline. Your level of despair and depression feels to me to be beyond w/d, not sure why this is or what other circumstances you are dealing with that might underlie that.  But additional treatment seems to be what would be best IMO for you.  I know I want you to be safe, and I can tell that other buddies want that for you too.  Please know that your life is worth living, that w/d is not the end of your life but the beginning of a new start. You have to hang tough to get through this and if you need to go inpatient to do it, then please do. I'm very worried for you.

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Satch, this IS a place to come and vent, or whatever you want to call it.


Post away, if you find it helpful and/or therapeutic.


We're all rootin for ya.  :thumbsup:

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Why am I so resistant to inpstient. I'm my heart I know I should go but like many have posted a mrd change is no guarantee. I guess I'm looking for divine intervention to guide me. I really have no idea what to do. I am just so conflicted.
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If there was a med that would work I would take it. I am just wary of more meds after this experience. 


That is because time is the healer. I don't know if there is a med that would help you because you don't seem to be open to a medication change to find out. If I had such deep depression as you I would be open to anything (except reinstating )I just know that what you are on is not working.

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It's hard to support people when one is also having trouble.


You have legitimate reasons to not trust the medical/psychiatric 'professionals'.


The drugs are what got a lot of us here in the first place.


Have you heard of the forum on 'Surviving Antidepressants'?  It's not real interactive like here, but it does have some good threads about getting off meds and *suicidal* feelings. http://survivingantidepressants.org/


Also you might be interested in the Mad in America site: http://www.madinamerica.com/


You most definitely are not alone-you are overwhelmed and don't have the skills to cope right at the moment-but there are tools out there, you can do this!   


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Satch, sometimed I'm very desperate, too. However, I don't find words to write about. For me you write of a difficult situation that interests me. It's meaningful. So maybe you need additional help, but keep posting.


I'm skeptical about meds, too. Ssris seem to cause severe withdrawal effects. And, as Moondacer said, they might even not help anymore than a placebo (though placebos do help, that's documented).


I don't know what could help you, but write as much as you want.

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I'm getting pressure to go inpatient. I'm honestly terrified it won't help. People think I should be over depression. Act like I'm choosing my misery
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It might be you should go inpatient. But your thinking is clear, I think you have every right to be skeptical how the medicine handles these situation. However, sometimes you could get good care because of real human beings helping you. Not with their meds so much but with their presence. Being alone and desperate is not a good thing.


However desperate someone is, we shouldn't think that now they need meds but now they need good care.

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Depression is crushing. Foolishly took some flexeril which I know acts on serotonin. Mood down today. Glad I'm not alone.


Hope others are faring better.

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