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Confused with this Aston Taper Thing


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Hi guys,


I'm doing the :) Aston Taper but since my Doc doesn't want me to use liquid because he thinks it's dangerous ( I agree with that considering my life circumstances) we are cutting pills and trying to stick as close as possible to the plan. My first cut was from 10mg of V to 75mg. I feel bad Sx's. I am going down this Sat. (not sure how much of a cut) and I'm scared the SX's are going to get worse. If they get worse I won't be able to function. How do I do this? How long do I wait to cut? Do I have to wait for the SX's to get better then cut or do I just push through? I have responsibilities so I have to be somewhat functioning. I afraid the SX's will never ease up. Feeling paranoid and hopeless but want so bad to get off this stuff!!! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

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I have an ADHD ten year old who is not very mature and an absent minded ADD husband. My house and life is very chaotic. I get very confused myself and I can see where I may may a mistake and take too much or some bad accident can happen. I really don't feel comfortable with it myself. The water titration is to complex and a hassle for me because of my chaotic life. This is the best I can do.
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If I'm reading your post correct you went from 10mgs to 7.5?

Is this correct? If so, I think that's too large of a cut at 25%

No wonder your feeling it

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I have an ADHD ten year old who is not very mature and an absent minded ADD husband. My house and life is very chaotic. I get very confused myself and I can see where I may may a mistake and take too much or some bad accident can happen. I really don't feel comfortable with it myself. The water titration is to complex and a hassle for me because of my chaotic life. This is the best I can do.


Okay. Do the best you can then. But I'm sure of you have heard of The Ashton Manual from the general taper board and a reply to your intro, which suggests a 5% to 10% cut every 10 days or two weeks.  But she's very flexible, so listen to what you body is telling you and if it telling you bad things then slow down your drops and maybe make them smaller. The smaller the drop, the better. It's far better to drop a small amount over a shorter period of time rather than dropping a larger amount in a longer period of time. I have dropped 5% every two weeks and it is working well for me. I'm in no rush. I used to be, but I've accepted the fact that this will be a long haul. Bets

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Thanks guys! I'm going to try to do smaller cuts. May have to do stop working with doc and make my own smaller cuts. Just trying to find a way to do it. Hubby will have to help me  :-[
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Just to clarify, Ashton did not use titration generally.  Her patients in the clinic generally utilized the 2mg tablets and dry cut them.  Ashton did not object to titration if it was necessary, though.  ;)
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Thanks so much :) That's good to know that I have this to fall back on. I can give this info to my Doc that Ashton support this so he will just gve me the scripts and trust me.
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