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Ear ringing and migraines...


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On top of insomnia, fatigue and a whole range of cognitive symptoms, this damn ear ringing won't leave me alone...also experiencing several migraine attacks...


Just needed to vent and tell someone who would understand.  I don't have much if any support around me.


Hope everyone is having an ''ok'' day!




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Both are common symptoms. Sorry about that. The ringing in your ears is tinnitus. I've never had it but from talking to people who have it, it sounds (play on words) terrible. I had a migraine once when I was a teen. It was so bad that my dad (he's a doctor) had to give me a shot of Demerol to ease the pain. My brother , who never took a benzo, has had tinnitus for years and years and it will never go away. At least yours will....... So try and do your best. I know it's not easy when you have both of those bad symptoms. Take care, Bets
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I have suffered from tinnitus twice now.  I accidentally stumbled onto some information on Amazon.com while looking to buy the Arches Tinnitus formula and reading the reviews.  I decided to give this a try and it worked!  It takes one or two months of supplementing but it has stopped both times I tried this protocol:


Ginko Biloba          960 mg day

Zincpicolinate        60 mg day

Garlic                    1200 mg day

CoQ 10                  800 mg day


Can be taken in one daily dose but it is preferred to split into two doses per day.  Good luck and God bless!


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