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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Weary of Outdated Medical Routine -- Ready for a Fresh Start


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In 2008, I was working in an extremely stressful, fast-paced government legal position.  My psychiatrist suggested that a

Lyrica 150 mg./Lorazepam 2 mg. combo, up to every 8 hours would be an effective tool for high anxiety management.  Indeed, that combination -- with its smooth, slightly euphoric palliative crutch became and remains an integral part of my daily life management after 6 years, and long after the precipitating issue (the job) had ended.  In addition, due to chronic severe insomnia since 2003, he gave me Ambien CR 12.5 x 1 per night.  The Lyrica/Ativan combo has become a burdensome and unnecessary relic which impinges on my clear mental functioning; and the zoplidem 12.5 mg. regimen has completely faded in efficacy ... only by taking 25 mg. do I realize 2-3 hours of delayed, poor-quality sleep, often interruptrd by wakeful but bizarre binge eating at 4 AM.  I'm ready to let go of these expensive,  burdensone and ineffectual life management tools.  My hope is to taper off all three meds as an outpatient, under the guidance of a qualified clinician. I am ready to turn the page and begin a new chapter of my life.



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Hello Viajero,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!


You have come to experience what is a common effect of these drugs, they can  lose their efficacy after a period of time.  It sounds like you have certainly reached tolerance with the zoplidem.  You are also very correct about the mental clarity issues with long term benzo use.


It sounds like you have made a good decision about tapering off the medications.  It's best to taper just one medication at a time. Normally the shorter acting benzo is tapered first. Hopefully our members who have experience with lyrica will weigh in with their experiences.


Once good resource for information about tapering and withdrawal in general is the Ashton Manual, written by an expert in the field.  Remember, not everyone has a difficult withdrawal but tapering slowly can help to minimize withdrawal symptoms.  It is generally suggested to taper 5-10% every 10-14 days.  I'm going to provide you with a link to the manual as well as a link to the General Taper Plans for further information.


Please let us know how we can help, that's what we are here for.


The Ashton Manual


General Taper Plans   




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