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Food Taste Different In WD?


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Why do things taste different,  :-\ Things just taste terrible to me and its already hard to eat. Anyone else experience this?

If its sweet, then i like it, it taste good. Everything else is so bland.

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I couldn't stand most meat for months. Even the smell of it made me want to puke. I ate mostly salads, cheese, eggs, nuts, dairy and fruit juice. I got my regular appetite and taste buds after about 3 months off. My sense of smell was really jacked up too. I could smell things a block away. I could smell people smoking dope from inside our house from people that live a street over.  Could smell one clove of garlic in the kitchen from our bedroom. Very weird.
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My smeller is soooo extreme and I have a metallic taste in my mouth that makes me nauseas and zero appetite. Bleh. My husband fried chicken in the house and I almost puked from the smell!  :sick: I can't eat certain foods bc of smell and texture. I gag. It's weird.



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Yes G...i just keep cutting. Doesnt matter i feel like shit always so why prolong it.


I had chicken curry tonight, i gagged it down with a soda. Like i said if its sweet, i can eat it?


Im always hungry, its like right after i eat im feeling hungry again. Im surprised i havent lost more weight then i have.

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I have the same problem. Food taste horrible, loss of appetite, and I crave sweet stuff. Also have metallic taste in mouth off and on. The smell of some foods make me feel like I want to throw up. Just another one of the many side effects of these lovely drugs.


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If i didnt have a soda next to me i dont think i could have are at all. I absolutely LOVE eating grapes because of the sweetness.


Im starving right now!!!

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I am actually having an MRI and sinus scan on Tuesday due to smell loss (and taste loss which is usually a result of smell loss).


Mine started way back in March/April after inadvertent CT off Ambien....have attributed it to also adding beta blocker but I really think it is benzo w/d. Docs not so sure to on to this step, probably going to just get another "all clear" report when it's the benzos at fault.


I have about 80% smell loss, can smell chlorine, vinegar etc but most things are zero OR an awful chemical/metallic smell and taste. So it's a loss plus distortion. Talk about freaky, I can eat pizza, and I remember what pizza tastes like but there is simply nothing. It is upsetting.


I just jumped so hoping it will be coming back soon....

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I was supposed to get an MRI a while back, but im just too lethargic to schedule it. Im so sick of throwing money away on testing.
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Yes Groove, me too, SO MUCH MONEY! But my insurance is excellent and this has been another year when I am moving into "Free" for things because we've spent so much already.


My ENT, allergist etc all think I am crazy because I have been so CALM about loss/distortion of smell. But really, after all I've been through, I could live like this. There isn't much that could be done anyway. I really just hate anything medical and I don't trust any of them. But of course, it will be good to get some answers although I feel I know the tests will be "fine"


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I think its always a good thing to do...go make sure!!! I hope everything comes back normal for u and it just goes away after wd is over.
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I was supposed to get an MRI a while back, but im just too lethargic to schedule it. Im so sick of throwing money away on testing.


A couple weeks ago right after a cut my right jaw swelled up. I looked like a chipmunk storing nuts on one side! It was horrifically painful! I couldn't open my mouth or chew at all! I knew it was muscular and wd related. I just am so used to crazy syx that come and go that I don't even think it's anything but wd any more. My husband disagreed and wanted to take me to the ER for an MRI bc I was bawling in pain for 3 days! I refused bc I have been down that road so many times only to feel like a crazy person or drug seeker and they can't do anything any way! I mean what....give me a benzo? Eff no!! So I put heat, ice and messaged it and by day 4 it started to go away. My stubbornness saved us $1,000!!! Ugh.

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Exactly G. Im so tired of losing money over this crap. I think we will be able to better diagnose things when we are healed from this shit, until then it just insanity.
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Exactly G. Im so tired of losing money over this crap. I think we will be able to better diagnose things when we are healed from this shit, until then it just insanity.



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