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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

99 Days Out


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Hello, I am past the 90 day mark in which so many of you said I would see and feel a marked difference in my brain and withdrawal symptoms.  But with much sadness I DO NOT see a change and would any of you please respond to enlighten me on - why am I not feeling or seeing anything different.  I still am experiencing the same intense fear, depression, anxiety, bizarre thoughts that appear out of nowhere and at random.  I am not able to stop them or short circuit their course - like tell them to stop or try not to listen.  I really need your advice.  I think I am going to be this way forever - doomed to a life of dread, being alone and constant state of being numb.  I so very much want to be well and have a brain that will allow me to lead a more normal life, happy, positive, reconnected to this earth, able to make and keep friends - not feeling paranoid that no one likes me or they are out to sabotage whatever I try to accomplish.  I want to find the real 'me' and I am asking you to advise me on what I can look forward to - the rest of my life as it is now always in a state of acute withdrawal - or can acute withdrawal slowly disappear after 99 days.  Have any of you taken longer?  Please help me!!!  Thank you.
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I'm sorry you're suffering so.  However, you were on very high doses of Xanax (even higher than I was) for several years.  I was still suffering greatly at three months off, and did not start to see any significant healing until I was 8-9 months off.  2-3 months is how long acute withdrawal seems to last for most people, but it's a very general approximation and it does not apply to a large minority of us....


I'll just keep saying this, because it is the only thing that significantly helped me during the first year off Xanax.  Distract yourself with anything that takes your mind off your symptoms, even for just a few minutes.  Do this over and over until it becomes automatic.  Time will do the rest....



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We are all unique in what symptoms we will have and how long we will have them. I am sorry you are still experiencing such horrible mental symptoms at 99 days. Some people just take longer to heal but in the end we all heal. There will be a time when this is all behind you.
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I felt exactly the same way, and those were pretty much my worst symptoms, too. I was sure Id gone insane, and that I would never feel good again. It was at about 110 days that I stumbled upon this forum, and began the process of figuring out what had happened to me. It took me quite a while to accept that it really was withdrawal - but finally, I did. Doing that made everything easier to bear.


Just hang tight, and don't give up. 99 days is nothing  to sneeze at! Its quite an accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. Many people just give up. But - you have taken the first huge step in recovery - admitting that there is a problem, and finding this forum.



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