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Those sensitivities


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I think quite a lot of people here suffer from different kinds of sensitivities. My problem is that the sensitivities have come more severe this year and they are somehow connected to one another. Bright lights started disturbing me about 6 months ago. Tinnitus and hyperacusis were developed about a month ago.


I never had any social phobias, for me it's comforting to sit on a café and read newspapers. But I can hardly do it anymore. I can't stand the way music is playing. It's too irritating. It doesn't matter if I like the songs or not. It sounds ver sharp, machine-like to me. It makes my ears ache. Or it's hard to describe. It is just too much. I have grown anxious about going to places because of this. When I'm at home I can hardly watch videos. The most horrible sound is always the mechanic sound. Like starting the computer, all the sounds involved.

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