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Hi Marie,

I'm not sure why but I suffer through them each night too. Horrifically painful: burning, tingling, pulsing and stabbing in my feet, legs, hands and left side of face. Ice seems to help but this goes on for hours.

Have you found anything helps? 

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It's on my left side of my face too!! How strange is that!It goes on for hrs.I have actually had it all day and it maybe stopped for an hr after A bath. I was thinking about trying magnesium.
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Ovaltine helps me. might be the magnesium!


Love Buddy


Hi Buddy, not sure if the Inositol, L-Theanine & Glycine help tingling when I'm flaring in a wave.  Some days the sx's totally overwhelm the supplements, not often though.  For me, the tingling is nerve pain, have it right now, tingling and feet and hands, arms are vibrating.  Weird stuff.  When nerve pain goes away, then I will just have muscle cramps with varying amounts of severity.


Overall, they have helped me 80%, and if I don't take them every 4-5 hours I do flare much worse.  So they are beneficial to me anyway.  Hope this helps.


Hugs & healing, MG :smitten:

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I did a quick calculation and found that my intake of B vitmains and epecially Magnesium is well below the recomended daily level. I am only at 32% of my RDA for magnesium. So I have taken small amounts of Ovaltine which has these supplements and my symptoms are right down.


Love Buddy

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I did a quick calculation and found that my intake of B vitmains and epecially Magnesium is well below the recomended daily level. I am only at 32% of my RDA for magnesium. So I have taken small amounts of Ovaltine which has these supplements and my symptoms are right down.


Love Buddy



Have you had blood tests?  My magnesium is 3.2 out of 3.6, so I have plenty, probably from all the phillips milk of mag I take  ::)  but my potassium was very low as was Vitamin D.  Too much mag can be a dangerous thing for your heart.  I would get your blood tested before upping it anymore.


MG :smitten:

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Thank you for coming back to me Mountain Girl.My blood magnesium is fine ( as measured by a standard test) but it says on the internet that 50% of patients are incorrectly told their magnesium is fine when it actually isn't. Ovaltine only has 32% of the recomended daily levels. At the moment based on my calculations I am only taking 32% of my RDA. So even if I took the full amount of Ovaltine I would only be at 64% of my RDA. In fact I am only taking 2 spoons which will be about 21% of the RDA. Everything has improved with Ovaltine. it's gone from 0% recovered to 80% in like half an hour after ingesting it.


I have read on the internet that people are prescribed benzos when they are actually deficient in Magnesium because it is so hard to test for and it mimicks anxiety states with it's jerks and twitches and tingling. I am going to carry on cautiously with my Ovaltine and see what happens. I am disimilar to other people in withdrawal. My symptoms are tightly tied to eating, I don't have the same levels of depression and anxiety and I am suffering hugely with this neurological sequelia.


Love Buddy

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Thank you for coming back to me Mountain Girl.My blood magnesium is fine ( as measured by a standard test) but it says on the internet that 50% of patients are incorrectly told their magnesium is fine when it actually isn't. Ovaltine only has 32% of the recomended daily levels. At the moment based on my calculations I am only taking 32% of my RDA. So even if I took the full amount of Ovaltine I would only be at 64% of my RDA. In fact I am only taking 2 spoons which will be about 21% of the RDA. Everything has improved with Ovaltine. it's gone from 0% recovered to 80% in like half an hour after ingesting it.


I have read on the internet that people are prescribed benzos when they are actually deficient in Magnesium because it is so hard to test for and it mimicks anxiety states with it's jerks and twitches and tingling. I am going to carry on cautiously with my Ovaltine and see what happens. I am disimilar to other people in withdrawal. My symptoms are tightly tied to eating, I don't have the same levels of depression and anxiety and I am suffering hugely with this neurological sequelia.


Love Buddy




buddy, sounds like a plan  :thumbsup:  I'm going to buy some at Wally today and give it a whirl ;D  it can't hurt since I've been flaring off and on last week.  Lord knows I don't eat all my vitamins/minerals everyday, and you are very correct about the test results, they are archaic, many are from early 20th century  :idiot:  I don't trust them either.  I had my seratonin/dopamine tested, the result was 88.  My doctor said "it's fine", which there is no way I'm fine with all these sx's.  I read online a normal baseline is from 122-200.


MG :smitten:

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This is all very interesting. i wish this was in a support group section because I have been battling this for weeks. I might just have stumbled on the answer.


Love Buddy

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It's in ovaltine and it's changing my life. I just realised that my intake of mnay vitamins and minerals is severely lower than it should be.


Love Buddy

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I bought some chocolate ovaltine today, will drink some here in awhile and let you know if it helps.  Thanks again Buddy!  Hope you get relief Marie!  :smitten: 


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I also take 600 mg of magnesium malate or glycinate or citrate. I still am buzzing & tingling. I've had the Genova & Spectracell nutrient tests as well. All helpful but not curative so far. My feet & legs are burning & tingling as I'm typing!! 

I'm also taking glycine, lycine, alpha lipoic, hydroxyl cobalamin, b complex, l-Serine, C, D3, molybdenum and whey for glutathione. I've been advised to add ubiquinal plus NADH for mitochondrial support. I'll let you know if i feel any improvements.

Take care....

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It is always worst at night for me, too!  Night used to be my favorite time, when I felt most myself and most alert in many ways, but I have come to dread it.. for some reason, all my symptoms seem to be worse starting in the late afternoon into the night.  I haven't figured out anything to make it better, but this thread has convinced me to maybe try ovaltine and to try the magnesium supplement again.  Sorry you're going through this too, but you're not alone.  :smitten:
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I've started taking L theanine, and magnesium. I also like chamomile tea at night. Try those, especially the tea, it really helps!
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My burning and nerve pain is also worse at night. It's somehow a little comforting to hear that this seems to be a pattern for more people than me because I was afraid that it wasn't withdraval related for me. I couldn't see any reason why it should be worse at night and that scared me...

I haven't tried magnesium. Do you recommend it? This benzomess has made my afraid of every kind of pill...

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Yes.I recommend it. I have read alot of good things about it on here and online. Magnesium is a vitamin, not A poison like a benzo.
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