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Suddenly I am in a BLACK hole of despair and Terror......... HELP ME PLEASE


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Oct 30th I will be 1 yr FREE........... but suddenly horrible things are happening............. I went to a Thrift store and brought back bedbugs............  I have been insanely throwing things away,  NO $$ for treatment......... I am picturing them scurrying all over me........ OMG< OMG< OMG...  I have been in panic since I was a little girl, but when they finally put me on benzos it was insane as we all know..... My mind is screaming  and now I am going in for diagnostic Mammograms on Thursday......... THE BLACK HOLE OF DESPAIR is claiming me............ my mind is insane with TERROR and  my Dr wants me to go back on the meds............. I am screaming out in despondancy and cannot sleep.......... someone talk to me please
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Don't go back on the meds! Breath and try to relax! I'm in month ten and I hit a bad bad acute wave three days ago! You made it this far let this pass too, be kind to yourself it's a bad wave, your not alone sweetie!!


Happy me

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I'm sorry you are having such a rough time and on top of everything else, the bedbugs.  As Happy Me said, try some deep belly breathing.  I had a very significant wave when I was just over one year off.  It scared me and I ended up having a bunch of tests done. It was "just" withdrawal. 


Try not to think about the mammogram next week, just take it a moment at a time.  I've heard if you wash clothing and bedding in hot water and dry on high heat that it will kill the bedbugs.


You are not alone in this, we know how strong withdrawal can be.  Come back here for support, we'll be here for you.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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