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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Has anyone celebrated their birthday during withdrawal?


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...If so, what did you do?


I've been having pessimistic thoughts about my upcoming birthday. Like it's hard for me to accept the point I'm at in my life. I know a lot of people who hate their birthday and think, "I'm just another year older, I don't even want to acknowledge it..." but I have no problem with aging. Someday when I'm 50 or 60 or whatever age the last thing I'm going to think is "Ooh no, I'm old." I always thought that every single year of life was a gift.


Now I question that somedays but I think it's just because of the mental state I'm in. Maybe I need to lower my expectations. I just don't want to accept that this birthday will most likely be spent in benzo hell.

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I spent more than one birthday in both tolerance and withdrawal. Some were frankly not worth remembering.  However, the farther away from benzos I got and the closer to wellness, the more I appreciated each birthday.  I agree that every year of life is a gift, more so now after what I endured. 


Now, it's just age creeping up.  ::)  I will say I feel as healthy as I did in my 40's and I'm almost 64.  :)

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I just celebrated my birthday.  And, I thought the same as you.  What's the point I'm miserable and this is such a struggle.


However,  it turned out to be one of the best birthday's I ever had.  I had such an out pouring of love from family and friends.  I meant something entirely different than the typical birthday I've had prior years.  Because you see things in a different light through this journey.  I heard from so many people.  The most touching was a gift from my daughter who knows what I'm going through with this taper off benzo.  Everything has such a deeper meaning.  Especially when we are struggling everyday.


If you can push aside all this misery, for your special day and allow yourself to celebrate the gift of

another year, you will see that it was worth it.  Don't deprive yourself moments of joy. 


Embrace the out pouring of love and use that to motivate you to keep going on this journey. 


There is only one YOU!  Have a Very Happy Birthday!!



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Just turned 57 Yesterday!!!! I was anticipating a bad day and it was enjoyable. I have a different outlook on life since tapering, it has humbled me so much. I am actually looking forward with a sense of clarity that has eluded me all my life!! Yes, it's hard tapering, but I truly believe there is a reason for every thing in our lives.... good and bad.


Enjoy your birthday and most importantly, celebrate everyday with love and joy  :smitten:

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I had by B-day during withdrawal and tried my best to enjoy, as my taper was well on it's way with no s/x. My family insisted on buying me a cake and taking me out to dinner. I went, and enjoyed myself. I sure enjoyed the chocolate cake....Now I'm depressed that they finally found the body of the UVA student, Heather Grahame, in a shack in a dense wooded area. She was only 18.  :'(
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My bday is in Nov. Was in tol the previous yrs now wd hell. I told my hubby to skip it this yr cause I am a party pooper!! My 40th was a huge bash!! Huge party! That was the last one since...I ll be 43 in Nov.  Too sick to do anything yet.



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