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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Any single moms


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I'm a single mom.Just jumped from lorazepam. I was on it for 4 weeks, started at .5mg twice a day down to .125mg once a day, did that kind of for 6 days, then jumped.Im scared i have tingling, and muscle jerks.Im so afraid of a seizure. How are you?
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I think I tapered to fast.But I was not on it that long in the first place. I'm having trouble sleeping, and I get tingling and heart palpitation. I think the best thing is a slow gradual taper.Their is a lot of good info on this site.
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Im a single mom, but, with a support boyfriend... well, i guess he's supportive, he just doesn't understand why i can't just quit taking the meds. I've tried to explain but of course it's "all in my head"!! I'm currently taking .125 AM & .125 PM of Klonpin. and I want off soooooo badly! I haven't been on for long either, June14-but long enough to know im addicted i guess. I'm nervous about the taper procress!


Shadow Cat- how did you do it? What did you experience when you jumped?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Buckeye,  Hello . I didn't jump... I wish i had done things different. I cold turkeyed.  I'm having such a hard time with it physically and mentally and emotionally. Tons of misgivings, and how I wish I had done things different.  I think things could be worse, but they could be a lot better w/o ever having taken a benzo.
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