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What foods DON'T rev you up?!?


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Please don't list what foods DO rev you up! I'm scared of food enough as it is lol. And please don't comment on another member's post saying "Hey that food did rev me up!" I don't want to eat something and then see that. I'd probably have a panic attack. Anyways, help please. I'm a living skeleton and terrified of eating.
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All of them (no foods rev me up)


Same here.  I can eat anything I want.  Could during my taper too.  Never had a problem with any food.

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The only food I've had a definite reaction to is white bread. A couple other members have experienced the same thing with the same symptoms, and I think that one sensitivity is what scares me. One speculated it might be the b vitamins in the bread causing the flare up, but who knows? It's probably an irrational fear, but I would just like some reassurance from others that certain foods are safe. I think it's more of an "it's all in your head" type thing than actual food sensitivities, but I could be wrong.


Thank you Megan! I appreciate it.  :)

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Ha! Yea, white bread is not really what I'd call bread.  I don't know if it actually causes benzo flares or anything, but I don't eat it anyway. It's gooey and gross, and not bread-like. It smells funny too. The whole "bread" aisle at the grocery does. You just don't know better till you bake and smell your own real bread. I highly recommend you do this , and will offer recipes. It also save's money.


Again, this is not a benzo issue per se. This is just Tor ranting about commercial white bread cuz it defiles all that is good and true about bread  :(

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The only food that ever affected me was anything with caffeine in it. I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee for several months. Now, I drink all the coffee and tea I want.  No other food bothered me. I think we tend to worry too much about this stuff, and should just try to eat as healthily as we can. Some of us simply cannot afford to eat organic, you know?



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Advice is if u eat anything just eat several small meals per day and drink lots of water. Try a protein with a carb. In acute I ate fish plain fish with jasmine rice!!! Then bannannas and a hand ful of almonds. Try to eat it helps a ton!! Also eggs are very helpful!!


Hang in there,


Happy me

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Any kind of lean protein like chicken fish, lean cuts of steak will do. Also with carbs, I stick with whole wheat carbs, white carbs seem to give me energy for a short amount of time then make me crash (mood swings).
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I am a type 1 diabetic. The food plan I had in place has worked well.

Like others have said, whole grain,lean protein, fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables. 


I graze throughout the day that helps ! :)


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Anything as long as looks fresh.  Fresh sushi is good.  Carrot juice is wonderful, I've even temporarily got my memory back while I was drinking only carrot juices before (gets too hungry to do this now).
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