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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

what can we do to make healing faster


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I wonder the same thing. I'm a month behind you and I feel like I'm wasting away and that I'm a huge burden on my family. I've heard positive thinking, exercise, meditation, holding hands with a loved one, good diet, lots of sleep, beautiful pictures all help.


I hope it gets better very soon.

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Unfortunately time is the only healer.....in the meantime distract distract distract and know that this will be all behind you someday.
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No. There is nothing we can take, nothing we can do, to heal any faster. Of course, it is always smarter to eat as healthy as possible, and drink enough fluids. But there is no supplement, diet or Anything that will make us heal any better or faster.

You may have heard the saying "The only way out is thorough" - well, it is very true. Healing from benzos takes time. It helps if you learn a few skills to help you through the rough patches, but nothing will make the healing process go faster. Distraction is probably one of the most useful things you can do to get through this.




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You can actually make healing "faster". Have you ever noticed that when you have a lot of fun time seems to fly by? Well anything you can do to distract yourself that will make time seem to go by quicker is important. So yeah, distraction.
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Time is the great healer, and anything you can do that is not self-destructive, helps pass the time.


I have found that exercise causes more good days than bad, if you can tolerate it.  Finding a non-toxic way to get some sleep is also good.  As for supps, I noticed some improvement when I started two products, sold by the company "pointofreturn"




I take their DHA supp called "Mood" and their Glutathione booster called "Support."  For those with bad morning cortisol, they have a product for that, but I have found that Phosphatidylserine" by the company "Now" to be effective and less expensive.


On rare occasions, someone in protracted withdrawal (post 18-months symptomatic) will find that a certain supp or diet gave him/her a breakthrough.  But for the most part, people just need a way to pass the time.


Hope that helped.


Be well and good luck,






Edit:  deactivated commercial link



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I took both Mood and Support from POR for about eight months prior to joining BB. I don't know whether they really helped or not. When I stopped both of them, I didn't notice a difference. But everyone is different, and if something helps ease w/d, it's certainly worth doing more of!
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Personally change air, travel.


Travel to work and it seems easier: other places, other people, other customs and traditions ...


If you do not have the opportunity and time, change the usual habits ...

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My benzo w/d doctor specialist said the best thing you can do in the PAWS stage is to manage your stress as stress will prolong your healing and in many cases make it infinitely worse. You cannot remove stress from your life, but you can learn to deal with it more efficiently. It's a life skill as well so it can help you in the future. So I figure while we have the time, might as well learn to develop a skill  ;) At least that's the way I am looking at it. Bama.xo
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Hi Bama-

Congrats on your recent jump.


About stress and recovery, I work full time as a teacher. I spend a fair part of the day in mental agony, but I do it for the income and because I think it fits in the category of healthy distraction. The days fly by. I also have two young children at home, but a great husband who manages them and 95% of household chores. So, does working delay healing? That's my big question.




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It is funny you should post that.  I have read a few recovery stories where the person said that the most helpful thing to them is to make everyday as close to the same as possible.  I know that my life is one giant disruption in which no day is anything like the previous, and while I am better in many ways, it is still tough at almost 26 months benzo free.


Every one is so different.  For example, I know many people develop mild to severe agorophobia that they never had before.  For me, I am such an extrovert that a guaranteed window is a presentation in front of the maximum possible number of people.  I can take their energy, and it makes up for that which I do not have.


Hang tough.  Avoid destructive behaviors, and 98% heal just fine.


Be well and good luck,



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I have read a few recovery stories where the person said that the most helpful thing to them is to make everyday as close to the same as possible ...


I see life with benzo as a life to be deleted.


A life without benzo is a new life ... old habits (not all) I preferred to leave ...


As you wrote each one is different  ;)

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