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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Severe symptoms change


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At 8 weeks I have symptoms that are there whole the time like numbness in my toes, my sight is never 100% and lots of others. I have symptoms that are there most of time but not always like dry mouth. But I have also symptoms that come and go. Sometimes one has been gone for almost two weeks and be back for one till three days. Like muscle cramps or severe derealisation or the sensitivity to light, sound, touch or anxiety. They are very severe when they are there. But fact that they stay away for so long, does that mean anything? Or can they still become kind of permanent too?


I had also 12 nights in a row of sleep. Then insomnia hit me again.

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Symptoms from a cold turkey withdrawal can be pretty horrible.  That is why stopping suddenly is ill advised.  I know firsthand just how bad they can be because I have been through three. Each one worse than the previous one because of kindling. Healing is not linear, symptoms that have gone can resurface. I think it is a great sign that some of your symptoms can stay away for a long time. I see that as a sign of healing.  I know how bad the insomnia thing can be. I finally was sleeping pretty good just a few months ago, but again I have been slammed with insomnia. But if I compare myself to where I was ten months ago I can see just how far i have come in this often solitary journey of withdrawal. Just remember, this is all temporary. We will all heal.
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Symptoms from a cold turkey withdrawal can be pretty horrible.  That is why stopping suddenly is ill advised.  I know firsthand just how bad they can be because I have been through three. Each one worse than the previous one because of kindling. Healing is not linear, symptoms that have gone can resurface. I think it is a great sign that some of your symptoms can stay away for a long time. I see that as a sign of healing.  I know how bad the insomnia thing can be. I finally was sleeping pretty good just a few months ago, but again I have been slammed with insomnia. But if I compare myself to where I was ten months ago I can see just how far i have come in this often solitary journey of withdrawal. Just remember, this is all temporary. We will all heal.


Thank you. I hoped it is a good sign. I understand that there are no guaranties. I am still trying to find out how this wave thing works. Waves per symptom, waves with lots of symptoms at once or spread out over a period?? Symptoms in waves get more or less severe? Guess it is different to anyone.

I defenately would not have chosen ct!

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Agreed. Waves feel different to different people. Symptoms can come and go...maybe even for quite a while. Even though we all have some similarities, withdrawal feels different to everyone.

Our symptoms go away as we heal. For we cold turkey people, it can take a long time, but we are healing all the same. There is NO proof that there is permanent damage from being on benzos, no matter what you might hear. You are healing even when you feel terrible....your body is constantly trying to get to its normal healthy state.



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