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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

5th day benzo free


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Hi guys,


That's my 5h day away from Lorazepam. I'm doing pretty well. I'm impressed that I'm not that anxious and that I don't have all the time panic - 1 2 times but just for one minute.

But now at day 5 I'm starting feeling sick. Like I would have the flu.. Is it possible that this occurs after some couple days? I thought the peak of withdrawal symptoms should be already after 3 days. Lorazepam has a short half-life.

I'm feeling also a bit depressed and weak.

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I was on diazepam for my taper so the half life is very long in comparison to lorazepam.  However, I think it can take a while for withdrawal symptoms to show up after a jump off.  For me it was a week and then I did get all the flu symptoms and body aches and pain. 


Right now you are in the acute phase and it can be tough. Just know that it is temporary and will ease up with time. 


I found that distraction helped me the most during withdrawal and especially acute because I was pretty much bed bound.  I had movies, lighthearted comedies, going day and night. I read Success Stories, did puzzles and games and read books.


Hang in there.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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The acute phase by far is the worse, but you sound like you are doing relatively well given the circumstances. Symptoms can mimic the flu.Ativan is one of the more difficult benzodiazepines to withdraw from because of it's short half life. I know when I stopped it took about 8 days to  to feel the worse symptoms. As awful as your symptoms are they are only temporary. I know I took a huge positive corner at three months and it only got better from there. Some day this will be all behind you.
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I tapered off Valium and I actually felt better for the first 3 days after I jumped. Then it started getting bad progressively from there peaking at the 6 week point. Here I am 13 months later still dealing with it but not as bad. Hopefully that doesn't happen to you.
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I'm now afraid my symptoms will get worse. I have read alot of discouraging things on jumping off lorazepam. I'm pretty worried. I have to go back to work Tuesday. ..
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That's what I felt too. First some slight euphoria - I thought it's going to be easy.


Well unfortunately the 6th day I took some Vyvanse for my ADD and that was a terrible decision because it caused a extreme hard panic attack. I had to take 1mg Lorazepam.


Now it's again the 3rd day and it's ok. I had  little panic and anxiety at the train. I suffered from the feeling of pressure at the chest and not getting air but yesterday I had a exercise echocardiography and my heart works fine and my lungs too. So I knew it's probably nothing - I'm trying to hang in this knowledge for the next few days.


But I'm scared that the peek is going to be in some weeks. But from my experience , my peek is after about 1 week and after 2 to 3 weeks I'm improving - But now I'm completely away, it could be different this time... We'll see

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I see you're at day 2. I know it's realy hard but you're going to make it!


I suggest you to take magnesium (magnesium-citrate is resorbed the best) Start with 300mg daily but if you don't have any problem with you kidney you can take up to 3 times my doctor told me. It helps too calm down, lessen the tremor!


Shortly explained magnesium helps to slow down your too overacting brain as the Ativan did but with an other mechanism so it doesn't interfer with the GABA receptors..


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