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Failed move


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Well guys, my wife and I planned on moving from the east coast of the US to Colorado to get closer to family and get a fresh start, but my body had other ideas.  I thought I was far enough along to get through driving 2000 miles (we have 2 cars), but only made it about 250 miles before 2 massive panic attacks caused us to stop.


I had to take a couple of 0.5 mg Ativan pills to stop the symptoms so we could get back to our starting point on the east coast, but still required the help of some wonderful friends who came to rescue us.  We're now staying with friends until we can get a place rented here and get our stuff back that was already shipped (a $3k mistake.)


I guess I'm just venting, but this really sucks!  Now I'm dealing with the physical and psychological symptoms of taking those rescue doses and hoping they go away soon.  We've lost some of our much needed savings, already sold our house here, and rentals are hard to find. 


On the plus side, we have really good friends who are helping us and my wife has been supportive throughout this process.  Without her, and our friends, I have no idea where I would be.


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