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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Is stopping lorazepam at a little over 4 weeks , my last doses being 6 days of.125mg considered cold turkey?


Am I at risk for seizures?

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I'm just so worried. I have 5 kids and I'm not sleeping. I have tingling sensations pretty much all the time.Hot bath and chamomile tea helps for a short time.
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It may be rough for a while but I think you'll pull through. I did a similar ct once and I was sick for a couple of months but got over it.
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Am I at risk for seizures?


Convulsions may occur in the early hours of abstinence, only 20-30% of abuse and prolonged use.


You have plenty of over it ...


Personally from 20 mg to 0 > Prazepam (I reported to my doctor) nothing happened ... abstinence only normal.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery  :thumbsup:

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Hi marie ,


My Dr prescribed xanax to me 3/2012 to treat seizures i had in 2/2012 caused by abusing alcohol i had a history before this having a seizure a few times a year in my sleep since 2003 . i spent many hours reading about seizures,

heres a list of things you can do to prevent seizures,

1.get some corriander (cilantro) from supermarket produce eat a small clump of that each day , it works as a anti-convulsant (google it ,  it REALLY WORKS)

2. vitamin E and magnesium are very good in preventing seizures, both of them supply more oxygen to brain, a seizure can be triggered by lack of oxygen in brain,you can take either magnesium tablets or do this get some epsom salt , and baking soda , get 1/4 teaspoon of each put in a small cup of water approximaltly 1oz so you dont torture yourself drinking that yucky stuff in a whole large cup,

3. take omega 3 fish oil, and vitamin b6 which is very good for the nervous system,

try to drink 1 or 2 cups of milk each day , thats essential to do that when taking vitamins milk helps the body disperse those vitamins to where you really need them

4. make sure you get plenty of sleep , lack of sleep can triggere a seizure , i take melatonin to sleep if i have to , i also drink chamomille tea in the evening


5. try to avoid excess caffeine or tobacco and excess sugar while you recover. all of those are a bad stimulants to the brain when your brain is healing from quitting benzo drugs

6. try to avoid stressfull situations, stress can trigger seizures i had a bad grandmal seizure 11/2004 triggerd by stress seeing mom in hospital 1 month(shes ok now) i had to take phenytoin almost a year after that grandmal  that drug was horrible thats why i asked dr for an alternative seizure drug in 2012

7. try to do some light exercise or light activating on your feet , like walk for 10 minutes at least i use my treadmill 20 minutes or more each day & i push my lawnmower a few hours each week and i wash dishes by hand for 30 minutes every early morning.


Marie, i really hope this helps you or anyone that reads this i really do care its TERRIFYING to have a seizure god bless you,



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Thanks! I'm going to get some fish oil and vitamin b6.I have magnesium, I'll start taking it. I drink chamomile tea in the evening as well, it helps alot!
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marie i like to make my chamomille tea strong i get a coffee cup i fill it with water i put the tea bag in the cup and put it in the microwave 1min 45 seconds i leave the tea bag in the cup a long time 20 minutes at least i usually have it as long as im soaking in the bathtub with hot tub temperature water i drink it after, i do this too in the morning i make another cup i save the cup of chamomilel already made in case if i hit a "bad wave" in yucky feelings i have that ready to drink at week 5 that isnt too often but its good to have ready just in case when i take out the tea bag i squeese the tea bag into the cup to get all the concentrated moisture into my coffee cup. , or you can do this in an emergency in the spice isle at the supermarket there is chamomille tea stems in a large clear plastic bag i get a small piece of that stem and chew on it dont eat it , just chew on it lightly a small piece and swallow the moisture , i feel comfort carrying something holy close to me along with my xanax bottle in my pocket , you'll be ok if you dont have a history of seizures, i had numerous mild seizures the past 11 years i havnt had one after quitting , you'll be ok im prone to seizures i havnt had any yet afater quitting xanax i took 30 months just by taking those supplements i listed you'll be ok, i feel good inside sharing this with you ,Marie,  bye i have to go im going out of town


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Baby angel thankyou so much!!


I started magnesium and b6 yesterday, along with L theanine. Chamomile tea is great for sleep.

I'm just really having a rough time with vibrations and tingling symptoms. ...

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Marie b, make sure you listen to your body, a lot of us have trouble taking anything during withdrawal. I myself used to take lots of vitamins, herbs and fish oil. I can't take any of them now, they all make me worse except chamomile and peppermint tea but I'm even scared of those now.
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hi again Miss marie


I use a special pillow to sleep with its called a contour pillow i got it from target for around umm $15 seems like my sleep has improved with it, i feel some relief from tinnittus if i give my neck / shoulders and upperback a good massage rub my shoulders seem chronically tensed up from the stress ive been going thru the last 31 months being ill


heres a photo of my pillows they are shapped kinda like this o--O that other long thing is called a bed buddy i put that over my shoulders on each side i feel some relief with it



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Seizures are VERY unlikely for people who taper. They are more likely for cold turkey people, and they usually happen in about the first two weeks. I think you can set this worry aside, marie b. Hang in there.



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I totally understand, Marie.  After having had one years ago, i am worried about this, too.  But i think we will be ok as long as we go slow.  It seems like it is more of a danger if you go cold turkey.


I take a Bcomplex, magnesium, fish oil and melatonin or valerian root (at night).  Not every day, but most days.  L-theanine helps, too.

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Hi again Miss marie ,


Valarian root is a herbal remedy for seizures, read this,



there is just one issue that concerns me with valerian root it interracts in a bad way with every type of benzo out there, im just worried thinking " what if i got to take my xanax ill have to wait around 12-24 hours since i have valerian in my system" the valerian i have is 450mg , if you take any ssri drugs or any medication avoid valerian


have you tried vitamin K ?? i was just told by a friend earlier in a message here she took vitamin K after quitting xanax.


try to avoid foul strong odors if possible those can be a possible seizure trigger , i feel bad earlier from using some carburator cleaner spray to get old lawn tool running again

i had to walk longer than usual 1 1/2 miles for that to clear up iim going to bed soon even though its just 9pm sorry this is a long letter,  i really want to help you because i had seizures in the past its terriflying soon will be the 10year anniversary 11/12 when i had a bad grandmal seizure and i was hospitalized :( if you have any spiritual faith try to carry something holy with you in your pocket i feel alot of comfort with that, god bless you Marie i think you'll be ok if you dont have any history of seizures,


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I have no history of seizures...Just a scary thought.Thanks for your help katie!  I am a believer in god so I do carry him with me daily. Thanks for the tips!




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I was feeling better about the seizure thing untill I read about people who had them, most if not all had them after abruptly discontinued or fast tapered.


I was told on here it looks like I did neither does everyone agree??

Having a bad night need hope!!

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Marie, I didn't have any seizures and I'm prone to getting them. Well I've had them in the past usually from too many pain killers. I have had the feeling several times but never got one. I still occasionally get the feeling but still haven't had one. Not a big one anyway. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
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