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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Could I have become addicted som fast? LOVE TO HEAR FROM SOMEONE "MORE EXPERIENT


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I just came back today from an institution for ny anxiety, and the psychiatrist hold ny I was going trough w/d.

I just cant understand that I got addicted after just 7 weeks?



Sorry if my english is bad, " blame it on the booze"

I am from Norway, bit usually my english is excellent!  :(


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First - Please don't do booze while you're recovering from this stuff (at least don't do a lot of it).  That will likely extend your benzo withdrawal.


Some people are very sensitive to benzos and get tolerant or addicted in just weeks.  You may be one of those individuals.  Might be a good idea to stay away from benzos (for good).  Alcohol affects you like benzos do, so it's a good idea to lay off the booze for a while.

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it was only a joke, bad one apparently, sorry!

I havent touch a drop of alcohol since may because of the anxiety.


My mother is an alcholic so they think thats why I got "hooked" so quickly.


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I just came back today from an institution for ny anxiety, and the psychiatrist hold ny I was going trough w/d.

I just cant understand that I got addicted after just 7 weeks?



Sorry if my english is bad, " blame it on the booze"

I am from Norway, bit usually my english is excellent!  :(


Your English is fine. Unfortunately it does not take long to become dependent on benzodiazepines. They are a power medication that really is not meant to take past two weeks. Withdrawal symptoms can be pretty awful. I know firsthand. I went through a withdrawal from myself. What I have leaned is that it takes time to heal. Although I still have symptoms there are no way near what they were in early withdrawal. Anxiety is probably one of the most common symptoms. The good thing is as that you heal your anxiety level will drop. Things will get better.

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The majority of people can get off benzodiazepines with little to know problem. With that said I have seen long term users only take a short time to heal and long time users who take months to heal. We are all unique in what symptoms we will have or how long we will have them. However, I think that short term users are far more likely to heal quicker than long term users.
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Ah, it sounds like you got screwed the same way I did! Haha. Alcohol and Benzos are cross-tolerant. So, all you did was trade one addiction that can be fairly mild for another one that can be very severe. I had only really used the pills for 3 weeks consistently, but on the 3rd week I was in tolerance. One pill just wasnt enough. I kinda tapered down to 0.25, but had a massive panic attack (Probobly due to withdrawal) and I took 1.5mg within a 24 hour period (My recommended, as prescribed dose). And then I stopped the pills because I was seeing a psychologist who recommended that I tackle my anxiety (Wasnt really an issue before the pills. Just had one panic attack, but otherwise was fine) without medication.


Needless to say, dropping the pill is how I ended up on BB. Needless to say, DO NOT COLD TURKEY! You can try, but I dont recommend it as it can cause seizures. Although, Im not sure if you have been on them long enough to have one. But, try cutting back and see how you do. If you are on 0.5mg, drop down to .25mg and see how you do. If its too much, I recommend using the Ashton Manual to taper down.

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it was only a joke, bad one apparently, sorry!

I havent touch a drop of alcohol since may because of the anxiety.


My mother is an alcholic so they think thats why I got "hooked" so quickly.


Hi Boblesopp,


Well done for getting off serax (oxazepam)! It's in your favour that you were on it for such a short time ... I took it for 28 years.


Still, 50mg daily for 7 weeks ... and you tapered over a 2 week period? That's a pretty fast taper.


I think they're right, there is probably a genetic disposition which may explain why some people become dependent so much quicker than others. I have the family history of alcoholism too.


All the best,

Chinook  :)





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Ah, it sounds like you got screwed the same way I did! Haha. Alcohol and Benzos are cross-tolerant. So, all you did was trade one addiction that can be fairly mild for another one that can be very severe.


it was only a joke, bad one apparently, sorry!

I havent touch a drop of alcohol since may because of the anxiety.


My mother is an alcholic so they think thats why I got "hooked" so quickly.



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Thank you chinook.

It was a stupid situation. My doctor was gone five of these weeks, and she was the one who stopped it and said I just should quit on the day. I begged her too let me taper, and I got a pack (10 mgx25) too taper off in two weeks. It was a living hell!!


Then I bad a much better periode, but the anxiety, depersonalsation times five came back a weeks ago.


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