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Rescue dose one week after last cut


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So it has been one week since my last cut, I wasn't able to put anymore in my signature, said too many characters. I am now down to .25mg in the morning and the same at night. This week has been hard. I am usually ok after 4 days or so. Yesterday was day 6 since the cut, I had horrible cog fog and kept feeling like my blood sugar was low, today my heart keeps racing out of nowhere so the palps have been horrible. Thinking of taking a little extra klonopin tonight but don't know how bad of an idea that would be. I know it's just the symptoms, I have seen my doc many times for this and things are always fine. I guess I just want my life back and want to feel normal again. What should I do?
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Thanks, these heart palps just scare the hell out of me even though I know they are benign. I just want off this crap so bad and hate myself for reinstating.
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Thanks, these heart palps just scare the hell out of me even though I know they are benign. I just want off this crap so bad and hate myself for reinstating.


The heart palps can be very  scary. I used to hate myself for reinstating, but now I don't. What's done is done and there is no looking backward, just forward to the day you will be benzo free! Me too! Hugs, Bets  :smitten:

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