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So I've lost 20 pounds guys


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Okay so I went to my doctor today and they weighed me, five months ago I wad 182 and today I'm 160, I have been "bodybuilding" this whole time though I don't stick to a good diet, my point is I don't look skinny i look bigger. The only change is eating a bit less but it dosnt seem to warrant 20 pounds.. I'm almost done with the taper which is great im just a little worried
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Okay so I went to my doctor today and they weighed me, five months ago I wad 182 and today I'm 160, I have been "bodybuilding" this whole time though I don't stick to a good diet, my point is I don't look skinny i look bigger. The only change is eating a bit less but it dosnt seem to warrant 20 pounds.. I'm almost done with the taper which is great im just a little worried


Have no worries. The weight will return. I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I have to lose 15 lbs and can feel it because my pants are too tight. I used to think it was the dryer.....

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Yep I lost about 30 pounds in two weeks after c/t'ing! Went from 185 down to 155. I'm chubbing back up now at 5 months off. Not at the weight I was before, but that's actually good. I'm at 175. Just make sure you're getting the protein, calories and vitamins you need. That's probably more important than the number on the scale. Glad your taper is almost done!
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Okay so I went to my doctor today and they weighed me, five months ago I wad 182 and today I'm 160, I have been "bodybuilding" this whole time though I don't stick to a good diet, my point is I don't look skinny i look bigger. The only change is eating a bit less but it dosnt seem to warrant 20 pounds.. I'm almost done with the taper which is great im just a little worried


Hi Chard,

When you build muscle, you will lose fat but build dense muscle tissue. That is why you don't look skinnier, you look bigger. Those are muscles!!! When a person builds muscles, they use calories, which helps explain why you've lost weight.

It sounds like youre doing great - and Im not sure why you are worried. You have been exercising, losing some weight, and I bet you feel better doing those things.



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weight loss and weight gain are common withdrawals....especially weight loss. This happened to me during my first withdrawal. I looked like a stick person after 12 weeks. But as quickly as it came off it came back. You 20 pounds will come back. I would continue with the body building.
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Soggy, how was your cold turkey?


It sucked of course! LOL. The rapid taper I did before that was pretty horrible too. Feeling between 90-95% healed at 5 months off now. Mostly those weird headaches. Anyone that has gone through w/d knows exactly how those feel.

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Okay so I went to my doctor today and they weighed me, five months ago I wad 182 and today I'm 160, I have been "bodybuilding" this whole time though I don't stick to a good diet, my point is I don't look skinny i look bigger. The only change is eating a bit less but it dosnt seem to warrant 20 pounds.. I'm almost done with the taper which is great im just a little worried


Hi Chard,

When you build muscle, you will lose fat but build dense muscle tissue. That is why you don't look skinnier, you look bigger. Those are muscles!!! When a person builds muscles, they use calories, which helps explain why you've lost weight.

It sounds like youre doing great - and Im not sure why you are worried. You have been exercising, losing some weight, and I bet you feel better doing those things.




Haha, I know how less weight looks like more muscle and its cool!! Thing is all i do is weight train, hardly any cardio so i kept telling myself I would do cardio and cut down from 180 10-15 lbs but i never did and it just happened that I landed here  :laugh: thats why its weird :P

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