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anyone in the 1 year 2 month mark +-?


with psychological sxs?


i just get so self conscious and so obsessed with thoughts putting me down making me think people are thinking im weird, or that im boring or awkward, as if they could tell im not well and am obsessing. this is so hard... i just want to cry and be hugged but theres no one to hug me and i cant cry for some reason.. i just wanted a few minutes of peace..

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((((PK)))) big hugs coming your way, :hug: :hug:



It will go away with more time, Its so hard, and we do get paranoid. I couldn't laugh or cry at this point. My emotions were all over the place.  I thought I was going crazy and was ready to throw in the towel. Its so easy to lose hope this far out but I promise you it will get better, just hang in.  Recovery won’t be too far away.






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anyone in the 1 year 2 month mark +-?


with psychological sxs?


i just get so self conscious and so obsessed with thoughts putting me down making me think people are thinking im weird, or that im boring or awkward, as if they could tell im not well and am obsessing. this is so hard... i just want to cry and be hugged but theres no one to hug me and i cant cry for some reason.. i just wanted a few minutes of peace..


Big hug PK


Just curious but if your 10 months off why are you looking for someone who is 1 year 2 months off ??


Are you hoping to be healed by 14 months ?? I used to cry for days and it felt un-natural and alien to me, now I can only cry for minutes and it feels the opposite of alien to me, before this I never cried, not even at funerals, wishing you lots of wellness and I hope you heal soon  :mybuddy:

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im 13 months off, i made my ticker hoping id get better by 2 years..


thank you guys for the attentionand love :)


magrita how long did your wd last? how was the process of getting better?

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im 13 months off, i made my ticker hoping id get better by 2 years..


thank you guys for the attentionand love :)


magrita how long did your wd last? how was the process of getting better?


Ah I get you now, your working your way back to wellness 👍

I hope your right about the 2 years as I will be 2 years off on 01/12/2012

Here's hoping you get there long before 👍

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im 13 months off, i made my ticker hoping id get better by 2 years..


thank you guys for the attentionand love :)


magrita how long did your wd last? how was the process of getting better?


Hi Pk :hug:


It was 2 years for me, the first 12 months were the worst. At 18 months I was feeling so much better. The last 6 months huge recovery took place, symptoms disappeared pretty quickly in year 2.


You might be healed before the 2 year mark, recovery could be right around the corner.  You have come a long way and you should be proud of yourself, I'm proud of you anyway !!


Keep positive, I promise its going to be ok.



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Im in the exact same position as you PK, 14 months off after CT from valium. I still get everything you describe, the paranoid thoughts in public, assuming everyone can tell whats going on in my head by looking at me, thinking im weird etc (hell i even get them when im talking to my own family)The OCD thoughts too. It is hard, but you just have to battle through it and try and push the thoughts to the back of your head and not dwell on them too much. Ive only recently (last couple of months) started leaving the house again, it was terrible at first (and still is occasionally) but it does start to get easier the more you expose yourself to the world.


I know what you mean in saying you need a hug but theres no one around who understands, wish I could be there to give you a hug but the best i can do is a virtual one :). We will get over this, its just gonna take time. I have no doubts that by the 2 year mark we will be much better, even if not completely healed, from what ive read on this website the most dramatic healing seems to take place in the 18mth - 2year mark. So just keep on holding on, it hopefully wont be too much longer now.

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