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Is Benzo Ataxia Reversible?


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Over the last few months I have developed severe ataxia.  My fine motor control is shot.  I was recently in the hospital (for something else) and they did a CT scan and said no stroke, no tumor.  I'm 99% positive the walking problems are a side effect of the Librium I'm on.


Does anybody know if this is reversible?  Or is it permanent?  I'm freaking myself out, here.  Some good words would be appreciated.



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Hi Lee,

If its from the Librium, yes its reversible. Its a common side effect of all benzos. Its one of the reasons benzos should not be prescribed for more than a week or two. I had this quite badly during the last few years I was on one. I had to use a walker, and started falling frequently. It has gone away entirely since I have gotten off. Im glad you've been checked out and they couldn't find anything wrong!


:) :)

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Oh God, East!  THANK YOU!!  I am in a panic and I just needed to hear a positive word.  Yes, my whole body has been checked for everything and nothing (other than anemia, for which I got some transfusion) was found.  This has been such a long haul and I am so tired of being scared of everything...... you know the routine.


Can I ask about how long it took before your legs and balance started to show some signs of improvement?  I know everybody is different; I just need to hear that it DID resolve for somebody.  I need a good dose of Hope, here.



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