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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

So much pain


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I sit here just rubbing my jaw...my shoulders... nothing helps but pain medication which does a little.


My question is would it be better to hold for longer or is it better to keep cutting and taking pain medication?  I have something called Nebumetone that the dr. prescribed me a year ago when I was having back pain.


I dont want to delay my healing but I cant feel like this everyday either... lately this has been an every day thing..


Sorry if this is confusing, I'm a bit scatterbrained.

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Pain is pretty common during withdrawal.  At your current rate, you'll be tapering for 7+ more months.  So one consideration is whether your doctor feels that it is safe for you to take Nebumetone at your current rate for 7+ months???


You could try to hold for an extra week or two and see if your pain resolves, but doing that for every cut will substantially increase the length of your taper.


No easy answer here, but I'd definitely check to see if your pain med is safe to take for that period of time.

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Hi RatedRKO,

Nebumetone (Relafen) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain med. This kind of drug can upset your stomach, and in withdrawal, your GI system may be more sensitive. I have taken ibuprofen during my withdrawal without any problem, but sometimes I need to take a Tums or  a Pepcid because my stomach gets upset. I think you should ask your doctor if its okay to take it now, just to make sure.


If your pain is purely a withdrawal symptom, you may find that pain meds don't do much for it.


I cant advise you on whether you should continue cutting as you have been. I know most people "cut and hold" when things get too rough, but this is a personal decision. Trust your body...


Some people have pain as a withdrawal symptom. I didn't, but have dealt with chronic pain for many years. So, I sympathize with you. Have you tried either heat or cold (ice) on the sore places? Hot baths? Tylenol?


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Have you researched how to manage chronic pain with natural methods? I know it sucks, but you should try and take some comfort with the fact you are doing well with your taper as far as mental health goes  :)


Not trying to belittle your concerns at all! They must be distressing but you know it's part of the process and your body will adjust eventually. My wife has suffered with severe chronic pain for years due to health issues. She attended a pain management clinic several years ago and what she got out of it was largely coping skills. It has helped her immensely by just learning to accept with a strong desire to persevere when things get rough. A lifelong illness for her that she has accepted. Hopefully you will have some relief soon!! I know it's hard and probably causes some anxiety in itself.


Wish I could offer up more to help, but sometimes it's just a matter of positive reinforcing thoughts that can work wonders.


All the best  :)

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Pain is a main syx in wd for me...its everywhere...and it is debilitating to the point I can't work. I keep pushing through with the cuts. That might not be for everyone, but I have held and it doesn't help so onward I go. The pain continues to follow me 24/7 whether I cut or not. I just want off this crap!



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East - I've never been one for taking baths but I do take 3-4 hot showers each day, supplement with magnesium, and stretch as much as possible.


I tried tylenol and ibuprofen but they don't do much.  For some reason the nebumetone helps quite a bit... it doesn't seem to be worse for you than the other 2 I mentioned.  I have a dr.'s appointment and need a refill on it so I will have to ask.


To the rest - thank you for encouragement and kind words.  It is much needed.  I'm at my wits end with it and I'm seriously thinking about asking for some gabepentin just to get through the next cuts.  For whatever reason, when I hit 16 mg everything went to hell pretty fast.  Coincidently, that's about when Ashton advises to cut at 1 mg per 1-2 weeks.


I keep wondering if I cut too fast early on, without as much side effects, if that is what is hurting me now in my cuts.


I have so much going through my head.  Should I try some Gabepentin?  Should I go back up to 15 mg just to feel functional?  Should I stay here for 2 weeks...a month..?  Should I continue cutting and just take NSAI's?


I wish there was a right answer...

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I would hold a bit longer, or maybe a slight updose, before adding gabapentin! And maybe some Advil  :)


Thanks for the advice ruger58 - then the problem becomes I feel like a failure if I have to take a step back. Haha... seriously can't win with this drug!

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