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Will Valium make it better?


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Will it smooth out the transition between sedated a d downright manic, which is what's happening now?


I go from feeling almost calm enough to function, to jumping out of my skin manic insanity,

all in the space of about 3 and a half hours...



Will V smooth me out?

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Will it smooth out the transition between sedated a d downright manic, which is what's happening now?


I go from feeling almost calm enough to function, to jumping out of my skin manic insanity,

all in the space of about 3 and a half hours...



Will V smooth me out?



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Compare Klonopin and Valium for me.  I didn't like KP, made me weepy.  Valium when I tried it felt relaxing and euphoric. slightly.
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Klonopin was more like instant relief but a few hours later I would feel back where I started... valium seems to keep a more constant feeling throughout the day.  Its not always a good feeling but its not a high/low either.
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I've never felt depressed after taking a dose of valium but I've never felt that way after klonopin either... I can't really tell you...
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The only reason I am cautious is bc of Rosegal. She is in a terrible state being on the V...a switch from her original Ativan. Most people I think have a better time on V so I wouldn't worry but there are those who struggle immensely. I don't want to sugar coat it. Realistically it will prob be better, but just be knowledgeable also.



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I'm afraid to take Valium.  Much like I fear everything else, including the start of a new day.


Just had to throw that out there as the truth.

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I'm afraid to take Valium.  Much like I fear everything else, including the start of a new day.


Just had to throw that out there as the truth.


You're already struggling, what do you have to lose?  It's worth a shot in my opinion.

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I did a direct cross-over to 12 mg. Valium from .75 Klonopin two weeks ago plus a few days. So far, so good. Don't want to jinx myself but I fee; more stable, less unpredictable. It is perhaps, as they say, due to V's longer half-life. I was afraid, too, but if the days are bad already, you don't have much to lose. Or at least that's what I :) figured!

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I'm afraid to take Valium.  Much like I fear everything else, including the start of a new day.


Just had to throw that out there as the truth.


You're already struggling, what do you have to lose?  It's worth a shot in my opinion.


That's what I think. You can always go back. But you won't know until you try. And ya...what do u have to lose? Nothing!!



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