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I don't know if I should keep cutting or hold.


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I've quickly lost it completely over the past month or two. Symptoms are getting to the point of being unbearable. I don't know how to handle this.


Two schools of thought:


1) You're in tolerance, cut and get out of it.




2) You cut ahead of your healing and need to hold.


I'm at a loss... this seems to be getting worse... all the typical benzo symptoms with severe mood swings, shaking, rage, crying, exhaustion, depression, sensitivities, confusion, loss of awareness of space and time, blackouts, etc.



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Nobody can make that choice but you... from your sig I think you cut a little too fast more than once.  Maybe it is catching up to you?
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I have no idea. What I do remember that is bugging me is that I tried holding for a 6 week period in early spring and felt like this and I got worse and worse... I don't know what to do... and nobody has any answers :(
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I have no idea. What I do remember that is bugging me is that I tried holding for a 6 week period in early spring and felt like this and I got worse and worse... I don't know what to do... and nobody has any answers :(


I agree with DG. Both of us have made very small cuts and held for a while and I know I am symptom free and I don't think she's having too much trouble either.....but you have to ask her. I cut 5% every two weeks. It's better to make tiny cuts for a shorter period of time rather than making larger cuts for a longer period of time.

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