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I can't deal with the muscle pain anymore!!!,


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Im loosing my mind! I can't stand the burning , weakness  I have a hard time standing up without feeling like my back is going to break. My legs are soo stiff I can hardly walk! My neck and shoulders burn so much it makes me dizzy. Sorry to complain but what can I do to help this? This doesn't feel normal, anyone els Feels this way?
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Yup, I'm feeling exactly the same way.  Have you tried the epsom salts baths?  Dr. Oz did a segment on them yesterday, so today (if I can stand up) I'm going to clean my bath tub and try one.



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This has been one of the most awful syx for me. It's been 3 yrs and bedridden without work bc it's so bad. Nothing takes mine away but some things do give some temp relief. Hot showers/baths with or without Epsom salts, Biofreeze, message, light stretching/yoga, ibuprofen/Tyl.....otherwise it is part of the journey.


It sucks!!  :sick:



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My muscles are soo stiff it hurts to stretch!


I know. Me too. I usually only stretch after a hot bath. The heat loosens up the muscles. For my neck I apply a rice sock throughout the day also. Take a good long sock and fill it 3/4 with rice and tie the end....pop in microwave for 2min or until it's warm enough but not scorching. Wrap around neck. You can just keep reheating and they can be molded around the neck really good.


My legs have had so much pain that last night I rubbed so hard for so long I have a tremendous black and blue mark today  :'(. It's been a debilitating syx for me. Even was dx with fibromyalgia by a doc while still on the benzo. Hoping to have this go away once I am off.



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Yes!!  I sit at work and my abs get absolutely stiff.  Feels like something squeezing me.  My legs ache as well.  Not as stiff as my abs but my legs feel so weird hard to discribe.  They twitch constantly.  I get up and walk around and it helps.  Been been having this for about four months now.
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my neck, back both get stiff :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

yoga.... neck pads..( I think that's what it's called lol )

those two things, ....chamomile tea kinda relaxes me to where I don't think of it bothering me, too


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You're lucky you have someone to do that for you!  I sit here and massage my shoulder with one hand, then switch, then switch again... it is almost never ending!
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the worst part for me is when i'm about to fall asleep and suddenly i start to feel my shoulder "unbumbing" itself and it feels like something stabbed it with a scalpel.  :brickwall:
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the worst part for me is when i'm about to fall asleep and suddenly i start to feel my shoulder "unbumbing" itself and it feels like something stabbed it with a scalpel.  :brickwall:


I have this too!! Left shoulder!  :tickedoff:



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One thing that has really helped my spasmy muscles during my taper is magnesium. I particularly like the liquid spray magensium (Ancient Minerals is one brand, but you can find less expensive brands that are probably fine). Some people have trouble absorbing enough magnesium in tablet form due to GI issues/loose stools. But your skin absorbs it well without those issues! You just spray it all over, massage it in (can also do this on your hair and scalp for headaches although I've been less successful there), wait 20 minutes and shower it off.


Having tried many many supplements during withdrawal, I think it's best to stay way from them, EXCEPT for magnesium which actually really helps this issue. I also take two tablets at bedtime. I ran out for a few weeks while traveling recently and got a nasty weeklong back spasm that was hard to relieve, reminding me how much magensium helps!


Feel better!

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