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Klonopin robbed me of my sanity


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I wanted to formally introduce myself as I created some threads without making a proper intro to this forum.  :)


I've been on Klonopin since late 2009, early 2010. Doses ranged from .5mg - 2mg daily. It wasn't until recently (1/2014) that everything started to get out of whack (or I was just going  :idiot:), mostly due to me taking the medication sporadically in an attempt to shut down my racing brain/obsessive thoughts/sleep issues. Little did I know that by taking this med inconsistently, I was contributing to the problem and not the solution.


Fast forward - I'm doing the Ashton Method from K to V with my Psy doc. Currently at .5mg K am and .25mg K + 5mg V pm. I'm still suffering from sleep issues and have Trazadone and Benadryl on hand. Can I expect my sleeping issues to get worse during the taper or somewhat better? I've thought about talking to my doc about Remeron, but really don't want to be on another med!


Just wanted to say hi and hope to contribute to this forum and be a success story!




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Ahh man... I was hoping I didn't hear that, but whatever it's going to take!


Klonopin is noted for that as well as other benzos. A shame. I should have asked my doctor, "Will klonopin make me a severe insomniac for the next two years?"

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Go look at my recent post titled "1st week off klonopin" or something like that lol.  I posted yesterday so it should be on the first page or two.  I'm a HUGE advocate for Remeron.  Today is my 8th day completely off.  I tried it once without Remeron and couldn't do it.  This time has been so damn easy and today was amazing.  Sleep well, eat well and everything is good.  Haven't even thought about missing work or anything.  I'm just sitting here watching baseball drinking a beer and I'm happy as can be.  I did a very fast taper, too!
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Go look at my recent post titled "1st week off klonopin" or something like that lol.  I posted yesterday so it should be on the first page or two.  I'm a HUGE advocate for Remeron.  Today is my 8th day completely off.  I tried it once without Remeron and couldn't do it.  This time has been so damn easy and today was amazing.  Sleep well, eat well and everything is good.  Haven't even thought about missing work or anything.  I'm just sitting here watching baseball drinking a beer and I'm happy as can be.  I did a very fast taper, too!


Thanks for the tip, others have suggested this as well... I'll talk with my Psy Doc next week when I see him. The first 2 weeks were bad? What do you mean?

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