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Lab tests all normal while still in Acute?


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I had my doc do all blood tests, including Dopamine, Seratonin, et all.  She had to get the dopamine test from a company in California.  Amazing this isn't a standard test considering so many ppl have Parkinson's Disease!  Our health care is archaic in the U.S. 


So I call, they said all my numbers were "normal".  I'm getting results in the mail in a few days.  But I know normal to them isn't always right.  Many of their tests are from the early 1900's and either aren't accurate, or they say you are normal when for instance your TSH Thyroid is low (dealt with that last Jan.)


So has anyone had all tests done, and they are normal even though you are having many sx's?  My worst are muscle cramps and nerve pain.


Thanks, MG :smitten:

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