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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

What if this goes on forever


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So scared. A month ago I was starting to sleep on my own, between 3-5 hours a night. That went on for about two weeks. Then I went for acupuncture and things went down hill again. Now it's been two weeks of not sleeping or micro sleeping. What if we are this way forever?


We just moved into a new house--the place is a mess. I have only been able to do the bare minimum for my family to get the laundry done and something on the table to eat. What if we are like this forever??? This is like slowly being tortured to death, and it is dragging my family down with me. The house does not run if the mother doesn't function.




This quote below from the article scares the hell out of me.


"What is the nature of post withdrawal ill health?


The biggest negative is the inability to sleep. It was known thirty years ago from sleep studies, that sleep induced by benzodiazepines, (and now drugs such as Zopiclone) was not proper sleep, and after use there would be a payback. The payback for those addicted for many years, and often the subjects of polypharmacy, may indeed be never-ending. Daily activity is therefore often conducted with swimming eyes and a feeling of exhaustion. Take the symptom to many doctors today, and if they don't believe in benzos they are likely to offer advice on how to prepare for sleep, completely missing the point. Far more likely they'll offer you a new sleeping pill - a Z drug, or bemusingly a benzodiazepine, the cause of the permanent insomnia.


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Please do not go around looking for horror stories and wondering 'what if?'  I understand how poor sleep can affect you, but you'll only make your mental state worse ruminating about stuff like this.  It's not going to go on forever.  You were seeing some improvement in your sleep.  It will return again.  Maybe acupuncture isn't for you?? 


The house thing will happen.  I'm guessing that the knowledge of how much you have to do is weighing on you.  You might want to set up a mellow/reasonable list of things to do each day for getting the house up and running.  Just do what you can, and don't sweat the rest.  fwiw - evening activity tended to rev me up a bit (which interfered with my sleep), so you might want to get work done between mid-morning to about dinnertime.

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Just so hard to stay positive when you are so sleep deprived. If /when I get my life back I will never take another day for granted again.
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Hi Misty, i agree with badsocref, wondering ' what if ' is a waste of time.

I took my Benzo for insomnia due to irregular night-duties at the airport,

my raw cold turkey experience was really something special,

regardless, at 11 months off sleep returned.....no meds...7-9 hours.


stress, alcohol , junk food should be avoided, a Vitamin-D deficiency can contribute

to insomnia as well.


there is plenty of hope, i wish you well. :)

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It's very easy to fall into the trap of wondering if you will ever sleep like a normal person again. For my entire life I was a perfect sleeper. Nothing could ever keep me awake at night. My head would hit the pillow and within a few minutes I'd be out like a light.


All that changed when I hit 51 years old and the BIG M (menopause). That was just on 4 years ago, and I now realise how good I had it for the first 51 years of my life.


However, I'm now valium free, and I'm on hormone replacement, and my good sleep is returning. It's still not perfect, and I may still have ups and downs, but I know I will return to my old life.


It does happen. I know sometimes it feels like it never will, because I've been there, and I've said those exact same words, but it does get better.

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Took a Benadryl last night. After an hour of lying in bed with no sleep, I got up and went into the other room (hubby was snoring). After a few hours in the other room, I went back to my bed at around 2:30 am (hubby was quiet then).


I didn't think I slept at all last night (remember looking at the clock every hour), but my husband said I had a nightmare: my legs were moving like crazy under the sheets as if I were running, I was mumbling something in a panicky way, and then I sat upright in bed. He said he asked me if I was okay and I didn't respond. I don't remember any of this. Must have been some time around 3:30 in the morning, because I remember looking at the clock at 4:00, 4:30, and 5:00 (and then the alarm goes off).


If I am dreaming, I guess I haven't lost the ability to sleep, just wish I would sleep for 6 hours or so.

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