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What is this head pressure/tightness all about?


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Hi everyone,


I am just over 6 months off a relatively low dosage of valium that took for roughly 2 years. I did taper and believed that would be the end of it!!!!


Things are improving although I sometimes worry that I will never return to the 'old' me and I have never really been 100% symptom free yet but do have some days where I feel better than others. What I don't understand is the head pressure feeling, like your brain is one of those rubberband balls or it feels like it is going to explode. I do have quite a bit of general muscle tension especially around the upper back, shoulders and neck and wondered if it was related to that. Any stress no matter how small, even though small things seem huge, makes it worse. Can anyone explain it or have they had it and it's now gone? It's so uncomfortable and distracting, I just hope it's not a permanent thing.



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I am sorry you are suffering from this. I know how painful it can be. I had it during my first month of withdrawal. It was absolutely excruciating. I thought it would never end but it did. I have heard others describe the same thing, so I think it is a fairly common symptom. As awful as it is it is only a temporary symptom and will pass in time....I hope soon.
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Wish we had the explanation for the mechanism of it.  I still have it as a constant symptom, but it is overall less intense than it used to be.  I think a lot of people have had it and it has gone away for them.  Has it ever let up for you at all - does it vary in intensity? 
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I've had this one off and on as well. I actually have had it the past few weeks pretty badly. I'm convinced it's just yet another fun prize we get from the bottom of our benzo cracker jack box. I think it'll pass. There's a head pressure support group somewhere on the forum, I believe. Should be some helpful tips from the folks there. Good luck!
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Head pressure has been with me since the 3rd week after I jumped. In the beginning, it was so excruciating but felt better after taking magnesium.  I don't think magnesium works for me anymore though.  For some people, it is one of the last symptoms to leave.  I think it is very common sx.  Not  relating to benzo, I once saw a comedian who graps the back of his head complaining having head pressure because of stress.  It was all meant to be funny, but left me wondering why would he have head pressure, and what is the head pressure.  At least, I know what it is now... Hope it gets better for you soon.
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Marj.  - I had that too until about 7 months .  I actually went in for acupuncture treatments for my stiff neck and it really helped - it relaxed the muscles . U might want to try that !
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Hi Marj.....


I had it for 7 1/2 mo it is gone now.....it may help to go over to support groups and there is a thread there for head pressure...lots of bbs with that s/x...sorry it got you.... :tickedoff:


Take care....m....

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head pressure is one of my worse symptoms. it makes you feel very powerless. i have to believe it's all a healing thing. and yes, the muscle tension in the back, neck, shoulders is all a normal part of the head pressure and this withdrawal. thank God that part is better for me.


good to hear things are improving for you.

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One of my worst sx but I also have Chiari Malformation so who knows. I definitely get relief from massage of neck, traps, tmj and scalp.
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22 months and head pressure has been with me all the way, I crack up several times each day with it, it drives me potty and MRI say I'm fine, how can we have this much pressure and not be dying ?? It is not a headache its deep steering pressure like your brain is going to explode and most days my scalp is too sore to even touch it, even shower hurts my scalp... Do YE all get the dry drunk dizziness ?? Wow is that scary or what ???
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22 months and head pressure has been with me all the way, I crack up several times each day with it, it drives me potty and MRI say I'm fine, how can we have this much pressure and not be dying ?? It is not a headache its deep steering pressure like your brain is going to explode and most days my scalp is too sore to even touch it, even shower hurts my scalp... Do YE all get the dry drunk dizziness ?? Wow is that scary or what ???


i have very scary head pressure, pulling all the way over to the left, squeezing and what feels like mini explosions and vibrations here at 26 months. i can't believe that MRI doesn't say anything either when it feels like i could die or seize out. i had my last one 2 weeks after i did the c/t and 5 total in ten years. i just hope all the squeezing and pressure is all a healing.

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Thanks for all your replies. It is reassuring to know other people have had this too although I would not wish it on anyone. Strangely I didn't have it yesterday, I actually felt really good yesterday, almost like the old me. Today not so good, however I am stressing today about handing my notice in at work and than starting a new job. I have worked right through this and I don't know how I have done it sometimes, but I have and it's been the most challenging thing ever.


The most frustrating thing about all this is when you feel better one day and each time you are hood winked into thinking it's over only to feel all the fear, physical pain, dizzy, inability to concentrate etc. Devastatingley cruel!! I will make it though, as will everyone. ''Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to continue in spite of the fear''.

Best wishes xx

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