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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Back to waking up groggy/drugged feeling. WTF!


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Thought this was long gone but it's back full on. When I wake my brain feels like it's on a frying pan, eyes feel like they have 1000 volts running through them. Today my whole upper torso is on fire and it's hard to get up and walk I feel out of breath and diZzy. I don't understand I had this for the longest time and it passed but now it's been slowly coming back and this am is one of the worst ever. My feet feel so wierd like I can feel the bones in them and electric in them.  My head is hard to explain like there a washing machine running in it or some kind of slow rpm engine.. I'm gonna take a shower and attempt To drive 45 minutes one way to return some equipment for my business. Hopefully me concentrating on driving will put it in the backround but today it's so bad I'm doubting it.


Can't get a job like this, can't plan a vacation like this, can't live a life like this.sooooooooo old

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Are you 18 months off? I am at the same time off and going through the exact same thing!! I thought it might be something else, but it seems to be withdrawal. It's getting old!
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