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Seroquel does not help me with insomnia?


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It doesn't mater how much I take (6mg - 100mg) I doesn't work. Many people say that they can sleep 6 7 8 hours with this drug. I get drowsy ok but noting else. Do you have the same experience? In general I have a big arsenal of sleeping aids and nothing seams to work, can't get more that 4 hours in a good day. I am worried.
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Seroquel is a hit or a miss with me, too. I did really well at 12.5 mg, getting about 6 - 7 most nights. Then I had to up it to 25 mg. Most nights, I was getting 6 - 7 hours, but last night, only 2 hours.


It helps me get to sleep, but my problem is I wake up some nights around midnight or 1 am and can't go back to sleep.


It looks like a lot of BB's have pretty bad insomnia sometimes for 6 - 12 months before normal sleep will come. I'm hoping it's sooner than that, though.

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Seroquel is a hit or a miss with me, too. I did really well at 12.5 mg, getting about 6 - 7 most nights. Then I had to up it to 25 mg. Most nights, I was getting 6 - 7 hours, but last night, only 2 hours.


It helps me get to sleep, but my problem is I wake up some nights around midnight or 1 am and can't go back to sleep.


It looks like a lot of BB's have pretty bad insomnia sometimes for 6 - 12 months before normal sleep will come. I'm hoping it's sooner than that, though.


MindSeeker is right. Seroquel makes you fall asleep, but does not necessarily make you stay asleep. While Trazodone doesn't make you fall asleep, but keeps you from waking up. That's why I take the combo. But they both have a short half life, so unless you are lucky, they will wear away after about 5 hours. But they give me about 7 hours per night. Bets

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Before I started taking xanax, both trazodone or seroquel would knock me out for 8-9 hours straight. Now after stopping xanax and subutex, neither of them works for me. It's like if you take xanax at 2mg to sleep and you suddenly switch to ativan or valium, they both are weaker so probably wouldn't work. Just my opinion from my experience.
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I've been taken it for 1 month or so. The thing is that it actually made me feel drowsy but not enough to shut my mind most of the times. I don't think I reached tolerance, I think is more the mental activity does not get slow enough.


It is really true that Seroquel is quite strong and would help to fall to sleep but once I wake up I can't fall back to sleep. I agree that the combo works better most of the times like Amitriptyline and Seroquel.

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I take just a small speck, a piece I can hardly see, of a 50mg Seroquel pill for sleep and it does help.  Maybe take even less than 5mgs?  Just an idea.
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I've been taken it for 1 month or so. The thing is that it actually made me feel drowsy but not enough to shut my mind most of the times. I don't think I reached tolerance, I think is more the mental activity does not get slow enough.


It is really true that Seroquel is quite strong and would help to fall to sleep but once I wake up I can't fall back to sleep. I agree that the combo works better most of the times like Amitriptyline and Seroquel.


Have u tried trazadone to help u stay asleep?

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  • 3 months later...

I have tried everything to help with sleep but none have worked so I decided to quit everything. I was taking 25mg of Seroquel and 12mg of Amitriptyline and the only thing I've got is horrible RLS and Akathisia, and after 2 months taper I am finally out of them for one week now. Firstly I started taken both drugs at lunch time instead of at night to see the impact in my sleep; I could sleep more.

I have not experienced any side effect from withdrawal, but still sleeping 3-5 hours at night.

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That darn Seroquel makes my mental s/x's alot worse.  It makes me crazy and I only took about 1 or 2 mg's at night for sleep.  Aspirin helps me sleep and Magnesium.
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