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Taper plan


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Please help me with a crossover plan.  I couldn't find where to do a general taper cross over. This is curly girl. I take 3 mgs of xanax a night for the past 4 years.  I cut from 6 mgs.  I need help crossing over from xanax to valium immediately as I am meeting with my doctor this week.  Please help.
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Hi curlygirl:


Here is a link to Ashtons crossover schedule:




A couple of links to support threads where you will find others crossing over & tapering.










Hope this info helps. Wishing you a smooth taper & quick recovery!



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Hello Curly.  Cutting from 6mg Xanax to 3mg is real progress.  Well done.


Don't rush your intended cross over from Xanax to Valium.  Try to make sure your doc gives you enough Valium so you're not forced to withdraw at a rate faster than you want because that can be very rough.  Ashton suggests 3mg Xanax is equivalent to 60mg Valium and I wonder if your doc is willing to prescribe that much as it seems a lot on paper.


One thing to consider is that if you have tapered successfully so far using Xanax alone then I wonder if you can taper some more before crossing over.  This may be useful if your doc is reluctant to prescribe 60mg Valium.


Note that some people taper from Klonopin which I personally would consider to be a reasonable alternative to tapering from Valium.



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