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Xanax taper - how long can I hold without negative impact on my taper?


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I took an extra 1mg of Xanax two weeks ago today because I was feeling stressed.  Am just now experiencing a reduction in sxs due to that one dose.  Lesson learned.    :idiot:  I'm scheduled for another dose reduction today, but looking at some stresses from work, I want to hold for another week or two.  My monkey mind looks forward on the calendar - there's some travel, holidays, family, ugh.  Maybe I'll feel more confident in a few days, but what if I hold until January 1st and then taper? 


I've been at 2.5 mg since Sept 27.  How long can I safely hold without negatively impacting my taper?  I'm grateful for this forum.  Thank you.

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I've done several 30 day holds during my taper...no problem.


Actually did a 2 year "hold" when I got stuck at 9 mg...again, didn't seem to cause any problem.

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People have held for 35 years.  The docs call it a "THERAPEUTIC DOSE".  I call it "tolerance"


Some people here have been on the same dose for 35 years so that's basically a 35 year "HOLD"


Some people drink 3 fingers of Scotch ever evening for 40 years.  That's equivalent to 6MG valium for 40 years.  The brain adapts.


Can't over think this process.  "HOW YOU FEEL" is more important than any measures of time and dates :thumbsup: 

Tapering takes as long as it takes. Hold when necessary and cut when you can handle it and small up-doses can cover up taper mistakes and they do happen from time too time.


All that is required is the willingness to suffer a tiny bit everyday, endure the waves and enjoy the windows.





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Thank you for posting your experience, Builder.  I appreciate it.


And thanks also for your words of wisdom, Birdman.  I have to listen to my body and also be willing to suffer some. 


I'm really grateful for this forum.  It's helping me

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I held for 3 weeks, I held for a month, I held for 6 weeks etc..... and I even held for 6 months towards the end. Not once do I regret ANY of my holds. I even updosed on a few occasions. I was not going to kill myself doing this taper!  ;) My w/d doctor told me to always listen to my body and do what it says to do in w/d. It sounds like your body and life circumstances are telling you to hold off. Remember that when you hold, when you jump and when you taper....healing is taking place all the time so holding is no big deal. FOllow your instinct, not a rule book.



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Thanks for your insight and experience Alabama.  I do feel like I'm healing.  I'm holding steady with my current dose and may be ready to do my next cut soon.  And I'm far ahead of where I was a few short months ago.  The symptoms I'm experiencing now are either benzo w/d or menopause, I'm honestly not sure. 
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Thanks for your insight and experience Alabama.  I do feel like I'm healing.  I'm holding steady with my current dose and may be ready to do my next cut soon.  And I'm far ahead of where I was a few short months ago.  The symptoms I'm experiencing now are either benzo w/d or menopause, I'm honestly not sure.


:thumbsup: Good for you! As far as hormones are concerned....I never had bad PMS ever in my life and during w/d it was HORRENDOUS! which is an understatement. I actually had to taper around my period. So I feel for you girl! xo

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