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Question about my dose of klonopin


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Just have a quick question hopefully someone will know what im talking about...


So 5 years i took klonopin at 2mg all at once before bed... I tapered off and reinstated about 6 months later


I went back on klonopin and took 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg at night always making sure it was 12 hours apart...


So my question is does this mean it may not be as bad? For example taking two shots of alcohol at once.. compared to taking a shot in the morning and then a shot at night?


I Know this isnt of much significance but hopefully this may be a small positive to look forward too as blood plasma was only getting spiked as high as 1mg per 12 hours compared to a higher spike of 2mg ... not sure but let me know!

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I doubt it will make a difference. The only change that might appear is you may have a tougher time now, as you kindled. Alcohol hits you fast and hard, but leaves your system rather quickly. OTOH, K stays in you body for quite a while, so in the end I don't think it will matter. However, if your sleep is happening just because you took 2 mg at bed, then you might have more of a sleep problem at 1 mg. But if sleep is not an issue, then it shouldn't be a major thing.
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