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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Ladies: monthly system reboot worse?


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I have spent the whole day just feeling really off and was like, "wtf is up with this???" and I realized that I'm due for Aunt Flo(w).


Should I be expecting my withdrawal symptoms to flare up for a while?

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I have spent the whole day just feeling really off and was like, "wtf is up with this???" and I realized that I'm due for Aunt Flo(w).


Should I be expecting my withdrawal symptoms to flare up for a while?


Yup!!! For sure

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I haven't noticed anything in particular change, in regards to recovery, when I'm bleeding out of my vagina. I mean menstruating. I mean, aunt flow visiting and rebooting me.



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a week before i start i feel more irritable and a little more mental then i swear down to the sec i start i get really light headed and start sweating. also my body starts tingling. not for long just for like a couple minutes. then i start. i have been noticing this for the last couple months. my pms this month felt like just normal wd then again the sec before i started again got dizzy and sweaty again. so weird. its like now i can feel every little thing going on with my body. it trips me out. before i would go through so much before i started and then when i did start i would feel so normal. now lately after i start i feel worse mentally...at the same time i feel like shit everyday anyway its hard to say. lol this all sucks
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