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Crossover from K to V successful?


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Hello All,


I'm new to the forum and I'm currently following the Ashton Method of crossing over from Klonopin to Valium.

I've had a rocky Kpin usage for the past few years, can't say anything was concrete but wanted to know of people who have had success crossing over...even the smallest bit of hope will be motivational and inspiring to hear! I've read that some people can't make the crossover? What can be done if this isn't possible? How will I know if I can't make the crossover? I don't want to do the water filtration and my Psy is willing to work with me...


Currently taking

.5mg Kpin AM and .25mg Kpin and 5mg V PM until stable

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Im crossing over to Valium from klonopin now... only 1 1/2 days in but im sure it will be easier than klonopin! Which is said to be the worst to taper from
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